Metakalbiniai komentarai kaip internetinio naujažodžių diskurso elementas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Metakalbiniai komentarai kaip internetinio naujažodžių diskurso elementas
Alternative Title:
Metalinguistic comments as an element of Internet discourse on neologisms
In the Journal:
Lituanistica. 2012, Nr. 3, p. 248-272
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, remiantis kalbos vartotojų internete pateiktais naujažodžių – naujųjų darinių su elementu (-)tinkl- ir įvairiašaknių dubletinių naujųjų skolinių bei kitų sinoniminių jų atitikmenų – metakalbiniais komentarais, nagrinėjami įvairūs internetinio naujažodžių diskurso klausimai: įvairiafunkcius naujažodžius įvairiažanriuose elektroniniuose tekstuose lydinčių metakalbinių komentarų paskirtis, kalbos vartotojų metakalboje atsiskleidžiantys naujažodžių integracijos į tekstą, socializacijos bei leksikalizacijos, naujadaros procesų atspindžiai, naujažodžių diskurso dalyvių požiūris į naujųjų skolinių norminimą, skolintų bei lietuviškų naujažodžių kokybę ir kt. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Naujažodžiai; Naujasis skolinys; Naujasis darinys; Metakalbinis komentaras; Internetas; Neologism; New borrowing; New coinage; Metalinguistic comment; Internet.

ENThe object of the article is metalinguistic comments of language users on neologisms found in the Internet. The article analyses comments on new derivatives with the element (-)tinkl- (tinklas "network") and alternative new borrowings of various roots, as well as their synonymic equivalents describing phenomena of the Internet. The article raises the following and further questions about the Internet discourse on neologisms: What neologisms become the objects of metalinguistic comments? What is the purpose of these comments found in different electronic genres? How does the metalanguage of language users reflect the processes of integration of neologisms into the text, their socialisation and lexicalisation? What are the attitudes of the discourse participants towards their standardisation? How do they evaluate the quality of the borrowed and Lithuanian neologisms? A qualitative analysis of empirical data shows that metalinguistic comments by language users are, beyond a doubt, an important part of the Internet discourse on neologisms. The object of the biggest amount of metalinguistic comments is those neologisms that serve the referential function of describing important phenomena of the Internet. Particularly discussed are the competing lexical alternatives: new borrowings and their Lithuanian equivalents in the form of new coinages. Neologisms with the emotive and expressive functions that are otherwise typical for the informal Internet discourse (and postmodernity in general) are rarely commented – more often they are included as an element into playful and ironic metalinguistic comments. The community of Lithuanian language users, the same way as users of other languages, are concerned with: clarifying the meaning of neologisms; discussing their value.In the "informational space" of the Internet (homepages, news portals, weblogs), comments explaining the meaning of neologisms and thus helping to decode the text dominate. In the "communicational space" (comments of articles and discussion forums), there are more comments discussing the value of neologisms, i. e. how well a particular neologism is suitable to describe the denoted phenomenon of the Internet. The neologisms describing the Internet phenomena, both new borrowings and equivalent new coinages, are evaluated positively as well as negatively. The criteria that are important for language users when discussing the value of neologisms are as follows: Lithuanian vs. foreign origin, clear motivation, economy, sound, and other. The analysis of metalinguistic comments confirmed the preposition that the community of language users as a whole is able to provide reasoned evaluations of neologisms. It correlates with the results of other studies, showing that the most functional alternatives get established in the usage. As long as a neologism is accompanied by metalinguistic comments of some or another type, it means that the stages of its lexicalisation and socialisation are not yet over. When a neologism is no longer being discussed, an assumption can be made that it has become a proper lexicographically formalised word. [From the publication]

0235-716X; 2424-4716
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