Įsibuvimas: žvilgsnis, daiktas, žodis

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Įsibuvimas: žvilgsnis, daiktas, žodis
Alternative Title:
Dwelling: a glimpse, an object, a word
In the Journal:
Liaudies kultūra. 2012, Nr. 4, p. 20-29
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Tautosaka; Fotografija; Gimimo vieta; Herkus Kunčius; Juozas Aputis; Lietuvių tardicinė kultūra; Marcelijus Martinaitis; Novelė; Poezija; Įsibuvimas; Birthplace; Dwelling; Folklore; Herkus Kunčius; Juozas Aputis; Lithuanian traditional culture; Marcelijus Martinaitis; Photograpy; Poetry; Short story.

ENArticle deals with the importance of the place of residence for a person, as reflected in Lithuanian traditional culture, literature, photography. This is the place where one dwells. The concept of "dwelling" describes intense spiritual experience, which enables the person and the location to connect. One of the most important places for people is their birthplace, which is associated with childhood experiences. These would be houses, homesteads, called in the Samogitian dialect "life" (gyvenimas). This is the place where one lives with the people closest to them, where the individual feels safe. It is important that dwelling someplace be associated with aesthetic proportions, seeking to live nicely. A person’s language, folklore and literature, in explaining human existence, also testifies to the experience of taking root. This statement is based on the texts of Lithuanian poet, essayist and novelist Marcelijus Martinaitis, and the prose work of Juozas Aputis. A person without a place is also a person without God; this generation’s authors’ works’ intensification in recent decades could be linked with the quest for a place for the increasingly homeless human spirit. It is argued that the lack of the experience of dwelling, losing a place in space – is a fundamental catastrophe facing modern man. [From the publication]

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