Maitinimo paslaugų rinkos būklė ir pokyčiai integruotos vertinimo sistemos kontekste : teorinis ir praktinis aspektai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Maitinimo paslaugų rinkos būklė ir pokyčiai integruotos vertinimo sistemos kontekste: teorinis ir praktinis aspektai
Alternative Title:
Conditions and changes of food service market in the context of an integrated evaluation system: theoretical and practical aspects
In the Journal:
Socialiniai mokslai. 2002, Nr. 2 (34), p. 55-67
Kaunas. Kauno kraštas (Kaunas region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Prekės ir paslaugos / Goods and services; Rinka. Rinkodara / Market. Marketing; Apgyvendinimas ir maitinimas / Catering industry.
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama maitinimo paslaugų rinka, atskleidžiant jos specifinius bruožus, bandoma hipotetiškai apibrėžti rinkos vertinimo veiksnius, išskiriant du lygius. Teoriškai mėginama sudaryti maitinimo paslaugų rinkos vertinimo modelį, integruojant vertinimo kriterijus dviem lygmenimis. Straipsnyje pristatoma empirinis tyrimas, kuris, pasitelkiant teorinius vertinimo kriterijus, atliktas Kauno miesto maitinimo įmonėse. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Integruota vertinimo sistema; Maitinimo paslaugos; Maitinimo paslaugų rinka; Paslaugų rinka; Paslaugų vertinimas; Rinkos būklė; Rinkos pokyčiai; Catering services; Changes of Market; Conditions of Market; Food Services; Food service market; Integrated Evaluation System; Services; Services Evaluation.

EN[...] Even though the common theory of the service has already been formed, it is not enough for a more detailed investigation of the structure and the content of the food service market, for understanding all the characteristics and the importance of this market, and for evaluating the present conditions of food service providers. Therefore, the current article, on the basis of the common service theory, researches the theories of food service with the aim to evaluate the market of the provided food services. The objectives of the study have been: a) to research theoretical issues of the service market, to define the market of the provided food services and to investigate its importance for the quality of the life of citizens, to present the peculiarities of food service positioning in the market; b) to form a methodology of empirical research based on market research theories applied to food service providers; c) to convey a market survey in Kaunas region, evaluating the market of the provided food services and its changes. In order to achieve the given aim and the objectives, the object of the research has been defined as the market of the provided food scnices, and the following methods have been selected: (1) analyzing the latest scientific literature and the secondary data, (2) analyzing the primary data with the help of questionnaire testing, (3) using comparative analysis. [Text from author]

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