Vartotojų nuostatų modelis : empirinis pagrindimas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vartotojų nuostatų modelis: empirinis pagrindimas
Alternative Title:
Consumer attitude model: empirical substantiation
In the Journal:
Socialiniai mokslai. 2002, Nr. 1 (33), p. 99-108
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje, remiantis apklausos rezultatais (N=1057), analizuojama vartotojų nuostatų problema. Nuostatos yra mokslinio tyrimo objektas, kadangi yra latentinė elgesio predispozicija. Tyrimo tikslas buvo sukonstruoti vartotojų nuostatų modelį, kuris atspindėtų realias, istoriškai ir kultūriškai sąlygotas Lietuvos gyventojų vartojimo nuomones, įsitikinimus, poreikius. Apklausos duomenys buvo apdoroti taikant tikimybinės statistikos metodus. Sukonstruotas vartotojų nuostatų modelis, kurį sudaro dvi pagrindinės ašys-dimensijos: požiūrio į naujoves ir prekės patikimumo. Šias dimensijas sudaro devyni subkomponentai (ekologinė pozicija, skepticizmas reklamos požiūriu, orientacija į kokybę ir kt.). [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Empirinis pagrindimas; Modelis; Nuostatos; Socialinės nuostatos; Vartotojai; Vartotojų elgsena; Vartotojų nuostata; Attitude; Consumer; Consumer atitude; Consumer behavior; Empirical Substantiation; Model; Social atitudes.

ENThe problems of consumer attitudes are being analyzed in the article with reference to survey results (N=1057). Having taken attitudes, a latent behavioral predisposition, as the object of the investigation, the research has determined a goal of designing a model of consumer behavior attitudes which would reflect real, historically and culturally determined attitudes, beliefs, and needs demonstrated by the Lithuanians. The survey results have been processed using factor analysis and cluster analysis methods. The research problem states that theoretical models of the consumer attitudes presented in Lithuania are not empirically valid which can mean socio-cultural incompatibility of the models. Application of non-valid models may foster inadequate reactions towards subtleties of social reality and the modeling of consumer behavior. In the light of this methodological problem, the necessity of an empirically grounded model, which would reflect socio-cultural reality of the state, is evident. The object of the research is forming a model of the consumer behavior which involves the elements of trans-cultural unity and cultural uniqueness. During the initial data processing phase, 9 factors have been formulated: ecological position, skepticism on advertising, orientation towards quality, "snobbish" attitudes, cautiousness, orientation towards Lithuanian goods, fashion, openness to novelty, and orientation towards high quality services in outlets.After secondary data grouping, a consumer attitude model, containing two main axes, or dimensions, reliability of the goods (quality) and the attitudes towards novelty (conservativeness and fashion), has been designed. Thus, conservativeness and fashion, as the main components among consumer attitudes, are not directly or diversely connected. The autonomy of these features, as well as validity of the qualitative model, is the characteristic features of these dimensions. The quality component does not depend on attitudes towards novelty, but serves as a link between fashion and conservativeness and the problem of the product selection criteria. So far, a deeper analysis of socio-economic and cultural factors has not been defined as the object of the modeling described above. The task was to set the structural components of consumer attitudes. In the next phase of the research, the focus is going to be placed on sociodemographic data from the point of view of attitude models. In this way, it is expected to present the peculiarities of the consumers' socio-cultural and cultural attitudes. [From the publication]

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