Mokyklos kaip besimokančios organizacijos tyrimo metodologija: koncepcijos, kriterijai, indikatoriai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mokyklos kaip besimokančios organizacijos tyrimo metodologija: koncepcijos, kriterijai, indikatoriai
Alternative Title:
Research methodology on school as a learning organization: concepts, criteria and indicators
In the Journal:
Socialiniai mokslai. 2001, Nr. 2 (28), p. 44-54
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Besimokanti organizacija; Besimokančios organizacijos teorijos; Mokykla; Mokymasis; Mokytojai; Tyrimo metodologija; Vertybės; Žinios; Knowledge; Learning; Learning organization; Research methodology; School; Teachers; Theories of learning organization; Values.

ENWe live in the period of political, social, economic, and organizational changes. This dynamic environment creates new requirements for both a human being and an organization, and it offers new alternatives for activity and practice. Scientific literature discusses individual's abilities for the 21th century which are as follows: to use technologies, to co-operate, to generate and exchange ideas, to be open for other persons' ideas and different cultures, to reason critically and creatively, to have a vision and adjust to new conditions, to work in a team, to be responsible for the action, to manage "the self and others, to strive for self-development (i.e. to learn constantly), and to develop community and an organization (Hargreaves, 1999; Fullan, 1998; Fink, Stoli, 1998). In the age of information technologies, learning and work have become synonyms: learning itself bears the meaning of a new work form, a condition and a prerequisite of productive activity (Dixon, 1993); work is understood as a constant learning situation. Learning is the essential factor for individuals' successful career, organization survival, and national welfare. That is why learning is not related to some specific institutions or one particular period of human life. Nowadays learning has to be carried out constantly as everybody's effort and existence, both on the level of an individual and organization (Senge, 1994; Flood, 1993; Fullan, 1993; Drucker 1993; Fink, Stoll, 1996).A learning organization (LO) is a contemporary phenomenon. Fullan, 1993; Drucker, 1993; Dalin, Rolf, Kleekamp, 1993; Hargreaves, 1995; Fink, Stoll, 1996; Chapman 1996; Everard, Morris, 1997; Hargearves, 1999 analyze schools as learning organizations from different perspectives. However, the practice of the Lithuanian school has not been deeply investigated. Moreover, Lithuanian publications lack scientific discussions and detailed research on schools as learning organizations, on the characteristics of their specific activities, on adaptation of this new phenomenon and a model for the Lithuanian context. The perspectives of this Western phenomenon in Lithuania are not still very clear. Therefore, this piece of research has been an attempt in finding the expression of learning organization activity criteria and indicators in school practice. [text from author]

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