"Ad gentes" modelio taikymas šiandienos jaunimo pastoracijoje Lietuvoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
"Ad gentes" modelio taikymas šiandienos jaunimo pastoracijoje Lietuvoje
Alternative Title:
Application of "ad gentes" model for pastoral care for today's youth in Lithuania
In the Journal:
Soter. 2004, 12 (40), p. 69-76
Summary / Abstract:

LTPostmoderniają visuomenę, ypač jaunimą, vis sunkiau pasiekia tradicinė sielovada. Popiežiui pakvietus Bažnyčią imtis naujosios evangelizacijos, Lietuvoje, kaip ir visame pasaulyje, ieškoma naujų veiksmingų pastoracinio darbo metodų. Šiame straipsnyje nagrinėjamos Bažnyčios misijos ad gentes galimybės suteikti pastoraciniam darbui bendrą kryptingą struktūrą. Aptariamas atskirų ad gentes etapų pritaikymas Lietuvos situacijoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Atsinaujinimas; Bažnyčios misija; Jaunimas; Liuteronų bažnyčia; Postmodernioji visuomenė; Reformų delsimas; Church's mission; Lithuania; Lutheran Church; Post-modern society; Reform delay; Renewal; Youth.

ENLithuania belongs to that large part of the Christian world where the main pastoral problem is tendencies of nominalism among the Catholic population. In this situation the Pope guides the Church to undertake the New Evangelisation, which is the main plan for Church's activity in the Western world. Since the traditional pastoral methods are not always efficient in the new situation, the Church is looking for new ways to reach out to the post-modern society. This article discusses the possibilities to adapt mission ad gentes as the main structure for Church's pastoral activity among the Lithuanian youth today. The application of the four stages of ad gentes is considered for the situation in Lithuania. Principally all Lithuanians have heard about Christ and the Church. Nevertheless, large numbers of Lithuanian youth are in need for the first stage of ad gentes, which is the serious interest in Christianity.Main part of Lithuanian Catholics, especially the young ones, need to discover personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. This is the goal of the second stage of ad gentes, which consists in Kerygma and the kerygmatic Catechesis. The Catechesis proper, as the third stage of ad gentes, will achieve its goal only if the previous two stages were successful, i.e. if the primary conversion occurred as a result of Kerygma. The fourth stage of ad gentes is concerned with the continuous conversion in the context of community life and the sacramental practice. As the imitation of Christ it continues for the rest of person's life. The ad gentes model is easy to adopt and suitable to the situation in Lithuania. It may become an effective means to structure the pastoral work with the Lithuanian youth. [From the publication]

1392-7450; 2335-8785
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