LTStraipsnyje yra aptariama J. Ereto studija „Iš mistikos istorijos“, SWTHR (1928, Nr. 2), kurią jos autorius laikė įžanga į „Vokiečių mistinės literatūros istoriją viduriniais amžiais“, taip pat analizuojami J. Ereto raštai apie Henriką Seuse, Elžbietą Stagel ir Joną Taulerį (Heinrich Seuse, Elsbieta Stagel ir Johannes Tauler), išleisti serijoje „Mistinės literatūros studijos“ (1929-1930). Remdamasi J. Ereto studijų analize šio straipsnio autorė atskleidžia XIV amžiaus vokiečių mistikos aktualumą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Dievas; Juozas Eretas; Mistika; Mistinis kelias; Mistinis mokymas; Mistinė patirtis; Siela; Tikrovė; Gos; Juozas eretas; Mystical experience; Mystical teaching; Mystical way; Reality; Soul.
ENMysticism was an important stream in the philosophy of the fourteenth century, as it became progressively an expression of the intensive spiritual life that was overstepping the limits of a purely intellectual dealing with religious issues. A growing individualism in the sphere of relationships with God was one of its aspects being at the same time a sign of certain dissatisfaction with commonly accepted forms of religion. It was namely a German mysticism that played a significant role in that field in the late Middle Ages. The most prominent representative of it was Meister Eckhart whose ideas about a rather pantheistic identity between God and soul, the idealistic conception of the material world, mystical perception, and human destiny were handed down more by practical preachers than by speculative thinkers. There should be noted Johannes Tauler of Strasbourg (1300-1361) and an ascetic Hcinrich Seuse of Constance (1300- 1365) who were the closest disciples of Meister Eckhart. J. Eretas in his studies on the mystical literature names Meister Eckhart a philosopher of mysticism because of the latter's devotion to mystical studies; Johannes Tauler is called a practician of mysticism because he tried to live out his ideas in daily life in a pastoral field; and Hcinrich Seuse is given the name of a poet of mysticism because of his capacity to present even the most rationalistic mystic ideas in a poetic way and a specific manner to express his thoughts by images. The merits of Elsbieta Stagel who was a spiritual disciple of Seuse may be summarized as follows: she wrote down Seuse's stories about his mystical experience, collected his letters with spiritual advices, and translated into German the verses her teacher had originally written in Latin.Seuse and Tauler kept faithfully in their hearts and put into practice the fundamental idea of their teacher Meister Eckhart: one who puts into practice the teaching of Christ is better than a thousand who speak about that (wiger wire ein lebemeister denne tūsent lesemeister). These mystics and teachers speak of the understanding of reality not by creating various schemes but by pointing out to the way one should go and experience that reality. Being on the way is not to be understood in terms of a certain attempt to found one more scientific theory; this journey is necessary to teach one to live a responsible and open life that is concentrated on one's present experience in which there is no place for putting on masks and attaching the labels to oneself or others. The spiritual teaching of the fourteenth century called by J. Eretas the treasure of spirit is neither subject to any concrete period of time nor changes its essence or looses its significance but always remains actual for those who strive for a serious spiritual life. [From the publication]