Valstybės tarnyba visuomenės intelektinio potencialo sistemoje: raidos strategija

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Valstybės tarnyba visuomenės intelektinio potencialo sistemoje: raidos strategija
In the Journal:
Tiltai. Priedas. 2002, Nr. 10, p. 165-172
Summary / Abstract:

LTVisuomenės intelektinio potencialo raidos strategija yra valstybės tarnybos efektyvumo didinimo priemonė. Straipsnyje pateikta metodiškai pagrįsta valstybės tarnautojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo strategija kaip Lietuvos Respublikos valstybės tarnybos ir visuomenės intelektinio potencialo stiprinimo veiksnys. Aprašomos pagrindinės metodikoje taikytinos valstybės tarnautojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo strategijos formavimo nuostatos. Parengtas ir pasiūlytas valstybės tarnautojų kvalifikacijos tobulinimo strategijos diegimo modelis. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Intelektinis potencialas; Strategija; Valstybės tarnyba; Valstybės tarnyba, strategija, intelektinis potencialas; Intellectual potential; State institution; State service, strategy, intellectual potential; Strategy.

ENThe article states that pursuing to implement provisions of civil service policy and to improve its efficiency, there is a necessity to create the development strategy of the society's intellectual potential. The consolidation of the intellectual potential is concurrent with the development of public servants qualification. The strategy should define the long-term policy of public servants qualification development, the aim of which is to ensure that improved skills would make it possible for state and municipal institutions to achieve their objectives. The methodically based strategy of public servants qualification development presented in the article, intends to describe the present state of the public servants qualification development and to suggest the strategy formation model of it as well as to prepare the strategy implementation method which enable to create the continuous system of public servants qualification development The description of the servants qualification state that there are theoretical preconditions for the improvement of this process, however, it is necessary to range them according to hierarchy levels and to define the objectives and priorities of state strategic provisions. The strategy of the society's intellectual potential development has been formed following the general objectives of public administration reform, the image of state institution activity and the concept of personnel management.The main provisions of public servants qualification development strategy, applied in methodology, are presented and the implementation model of qualification development is prepared and suggested. There is a suggestion to implement it by setting particular tasks to institutions and their personnel departments, simultaneously improving the existing organisational forms of institutions as well as creating new ones. The main principles of modernisation of forms and integration are presented. [From the publication]

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