LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjami Lietuvos aukštųjų mokyklų veiklos pokyčiai, būtini įgyvendinant kaimo plėtros strategiją. Pateikti pagrindiniai metmenys, pagal kuriuos, funkcionuojant aukštojo mokslo plėtros ir gyvenimo kokybės monitoringo sistemai, galėtų būti formuojamas valstybės ir visuomenės užsakymas naujos kokybės specialistams rengti, dėstytojų bei studentų darbams vertinti miestų ir rajonų savivaldybėse, verslininkų asociacijose ir nevyriausybinėse organizacijose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Aukštojo mokslo dalininkai; Aukštojo mokslo politika; Aukštųjų mokyklų veiklos pokyčiai. Kaimo plėtra. Žemės ūkis. Dėstytojų ir studentų projektai.Viešas vertinimas. Monitoringas. Motyvacija; Kaimo plėtra; Changes in the activities of higher schools, rural development, agriculture, students' and teachers' projects, public evaluation, monitoring, motivation; Policy of higher education; Rural development; Stakeholders of higher education.
ENThe model of rural infrastructure is as follows: "People - land - flora - fauna - machinery - technology - buildings - food - people". Research and studies should be directed towards the understanding of the elements of the above model as well as their interaction, towards modernisation and sustainability. In East European countries the trend towards the decline of higher education is observed and most social scientists, and also some other scientists, fail to keep pace with the changes that have taken place during the last decade as far as their professional skills and civic activities are concerned. In Lithuanian higher schools, like in Russia, the following principles are frequently tolerated in social science studies: "We teach what we know, not what is necessary for the present and for the future"; "we study without learning, we just want to get a university diploma". In planning their strategies and scientific work, the higher schools should include applied research work, term papers and degree theses related to the rural and agricultural development strategy. Recommendation A system of monitoring the quality of life in the regions and in the country as a whole should be developed and implemented. Based on the information obtained by means of the system, relevant tasks should be assigned to the higher schools. The municipalities should organise annual reviews of the higher schools' work in this field. Businessmen and commissions formed of independent experts would evaluate the works. Incentives should be given to the authors of the best works by establishing a prize fund, and a public evaluation system would be developed. [From the publication]