Nuotolinio mokymo(si) valdymo specialistų poreikis Lietuvos suaugusiųjų neformalaus švietimo centruose

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Nuotolinio mokymo(si) valdymo specialistų poreikis Lietuvos suaugusiųjų neformalaus švietimo centruose
Alternative Title:
Needs of distance learning management specialists in adult non-formal education centers of Lithuania
In the Journal:
Mokslas ir edukaciniai procesai [Science and process of education]. 2009, Nr. 3 (9), p. 178-186
Summary / Abstract:

LTTyrimo tikslas – atskleisti nuotolinio mokymo(si) valdymo specialistų poreikį Lietuvos suaugusiųjų neformalaus švietimo centruose. Šiuolaikinių informacinių ir komunikacinių technologijų naudojimas neformalaus suaugusiųjų švietimo procese taikomas gana plačiai, kaip ir atskiri nuotolinio mokymosi elementai, tai leidžia teigti, jog dauguma neformaliojo suaugusiųjų švietimo centrų yra pasirengę pradėti teikti nuotolinio mokymosi, grįsto moderniomis el. mokymo(si) technologijomis, paslaugas. Nuotolinio mokymo(si) kursai Lietuvos suaugusiųjų neformaliojo švietimo centruose teikiami, tačiau dar neplačiai, o pagrindiniai veiksniai, ribojantys nuotolinį suaugusiųjų mokymą(si) neformalaus suaugusiųjų švietimo centruose, yra žmoniškųjų, materialinių bei techninių resursų stygius, trumpalaikių kvalifikacijos tobulinimo programų poreikio vyravimas bei nepakankamas kompiuterinis besimokančių asmenų raštingumas. Nuotolinio mokymo(si) specialistų poreikis Lietuvos suaugusiųjų švietimo centruose jaučiamas jau šiandien, o artimiausioje ateityje prognozuojamas poreikio augimas, siejamas su mokymosi tradicijų kaita, augančia gyvenimo dinamika, gyventojų mobilumu ir konkurencija darbo rinkoje. Šiandieninės galimybės tobulinti kompetencijas nuotolinio mokymo(si) valdymo srityje netenkina Lietuvos andragogų ir neformaliojo suaugusiųjų švietimo įstaigų poreikių: vienintelė galimybė – dalyvauti kvalifikacijos tobulinimo renginiuose, kurių kokybė ne visada tenkina vartotojus.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Neformalus suaugusiųjų švietimas; Nuotolinis mokymasis; Specialistų poreikis; Valdymas; Distance learning; Management; Needs of specialists; Needs of the specialists; Non-formal adult education.

ENImplementing Lithuanian long-term development strategy for the years 2003-2012 and a Memorandum on Lifelong Learning (2000) an integral lifelong lasting education space, learning environments adjusted to the individuals of different needs and developed variety of learning forms are being created in Lithuanian Republic. Distance and e-leaming is one of the tools of lifelong learning implementation which gives learners the chance to learn at chosen time, in chosen place and at chosen speed, and modem ICT guarantee adequate communication among the learners and the contact with the teacher. In the strategy of Lithuanian distance learning system development (2005) distance learning system facility development and teachers', distance education administrators', executives' and supervisors' appropriate readiness to use e-learning resources effectively are emphasized. The needs of the distance learning management specialists in the country have not been prospected yet, though, the problem of human resources in some ways appeared in all the researches done before. Rapid ICT development and slow its assimilation are stressed as one of the difficulties of providing distance learning - there exists a gap between ICT and learning technology development rate which determines a big backwardness of learning models and methods development from the technological development. Misunderstanding among the specialists which occurs because of the narrow specialization, limited experience or the lack of communication skills was determined.Generalizing the results of all the researches done before we can make presumption that needs for a new type specialists integrating the competences of education, information and communication technology and distance learning process management, capable to create the course of distance learning, to organize and administrate distance learning, support the learners as well as the lecturers, to be the joining link among the specialists of different spheres in the institutions providing distance learning service has already formed in Lithuania. The problem of the research is revealed in a few questions: how widely is distance learning used in adult non-formal education centers of Lithuania, what problems appear while using the way of distance learning, is the needs of distance learning management specialists in adult non-formal education centers felt nowadays and is the increase of such demand forecasted in the nearest future? The research is based upon analysis of opinions and estimation of adult non-formal education centers executives or their delegated competent staff. 16 representatives of adult non-formal education centers took part in the research. Despite conditionally not big respondents' number, the sample of the research makes more than 1/3 of population and geographic repartition of the institutions which took part in the research equally spread throughout all the country ( by 2-3 institutions in each region) what lets apply the results of the research in national measure. The main method of the research is a questionnaire. The survey was pursued in March-April, 2009.Generalizing it can be stated that results. The use of modern information and communication technology in the process of adult nonformal education is applied widely enough like different elements of distance learning what lets us think that most of the institutions implementing non-formal adult education are ready to start applying distance learning based upon modem e-learning technologies. Distance learning courses in adult non-formal education centers of Lithuania are organized but not widely, and the main factors which limit distance learning are the lack of human, material and technical resources, domination of short-term qualification programs and scarce learners' informational literacy. Distance learning specialists' needs in adult education centers of Lithuania is observed nowadays and in the nearest future increase of this demand is forecasted what is related with the change of the learning traditions, increasing life dynamics, people's mobility and competition in labour market. The possibilities to improve the competences in the sphere of distance learning management do not meet Lithuanian andragogs' and adult non-formal education institutions needs: the only possibility is to attend the refresher courses, though, their quality not always satisfy the users. [From the publication]

1822-4644; 2345-0681
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