Šventasis Pranciškus Asyžietis lietuvių šiuolaikinėje muzikoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Šventasis Pranciškus Asyžietis lietuvių šiuolaikinėje muzikoje
Alternative Title:
Saint Francis of Asissi in the contemporary Lithuanian music
In the Journal:
Tiltai. Priedas. 2001, Nr. 8, p. 155-167
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnis skirtas lietuvių naujosios muzikos sakralumo (religiškumo) problemoms. Plačiau nagrinėjama pranciškoniškoji bei liaudiškoji tradicija ir modernumo reiškiniai kompozitorių Alvido Remesos (Klaipėda) ir Algirdo Martinaičio (Vilnius) kūryboje. Šie kūriniai pasirinkti kaip ryškiausiai iliustruojantys minėtąją problematiką. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Modernumas; Sakralumas; Tradicinis ir netradicinis liaudiškumas; Šiuolaikiškumas; Šventumas; Choir and folk music; Contemporary; Modern means; Nreligious; Religious; Sacral; Secular and traditional music; Secural and traditional music.

ENControversial expressions of Lithuanian secular music, enriched by various, we can say, by all possible means of composing supposes that some secular elements had entered into sacral art and became habitual to it. Contemporary Lithuanian religious music isn't well subjected to musicological investigation so it is possible to sketch only some insights. We can discern style and tradition of the compositions by two factors: religious - sacral and secular. From this point of view we can detect crossing of traditional values and modern values. There are some elements in the music of Alvidas Remesa which all shows that he is on the traditional way. It is the neumic chanting in his vocal cycle from "Sisters chants" (text by Saint Francis, 1992) and choral poliphony changing with recitatives in oratory "Saint Francis of Asissi" for choir of adults and choir of children, 4 soloists, chamber orchestra, organ and harpsichord (text by L. Andriekus, 1991). While music of Algirdas Martinaitis - his Seven Stations "The Book of Saint Francis" for mixed voices, choir and instruments (1996) - confirms the unity of choral and folk music traditions, using some modern means of composing and elements of ritual. The music of both composers are penetrated by franciscan world outlook. [From the publication]

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