Naudojimosi mokymo priemonėmis ir informaciniais šaltiniais ypatybės, studijuojant matematiką Klaipėdos valstybinėje kolegijoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Naudojimosi mokymo priemonėmis ir informaciniais šaltiniais ypatybės, studijuojant matematiką Klaipėdos valstybinėje kolegijoje
Alternative Title:
Peculiarities of teaching material and information source usage for mathematics studies at Klaipėda State College
In the Journal:
Mokslas ir edukaciniai procesai [Science and process of education]. 2010, Nr. 1 (10), p. 94-107
Klaipėda. Klaipėdos kraštas (Klaipeda region); Lietuva (Lithuania); Mokslinis ugdymas / Scientific education.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiuolaikinio gyveninio pokyčiai, informacinių technologijų plėtra verčia naujai žvelgti į mokymą bei mokymąsi ir mokymo priemones. Šiame straipsnyje aptariamas studentų naudojimasis mokymo priemonėmis ir informacijos šaltiniais koleginių studijų matematikos dalyko studijoms, pateikiami atlikto tyrimo rezultatai. Aptariant tyrimo rezultatus buvo siekiama nustatyti studentų naudojimosi metodinėmis priemonėmis ypatybes. Studentai matematikos studijoms dažniau naudoja tradicines mokymo priemones ir informacinius šaltinius, pirmenybę teikdami paskaitų konspektams ir dėstytojų parengtai mokomajai medžiagai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Elektroninės mokymo priemonės; Matematikos dalyko studijos; Tradicinės mokymo priemonės; Electronic conspectus; Electronic teaching material; Mathematics Study; Printed conspectus; Traditional teaching material.

ENPerforming university education reform only the assurance of education quality can guaranty the survival of universities and colleges. The changes in the nowadays life, the expansion of information technologies force to have a different attitude towards teaching and learning processes as well as materials. In order to ensure high quality studies it is essential to know what materials are used by students. In the article have been presented the results of the survey made with students in order to clarify what information sources, learning and teaching materials students prefer to use in their mathematics studies as well as the computer programs they apply in the learning process. Also it was aimed to evaluate the ways of accessing the learning materials during the preparation for mathematics studies. Traditionally printed material has been used for mathematics studies. With the improvement of information technologies the teaching and learning materials in mathematics studies have changes as well. The new computer programs such as Excel, Maple, MatLab have appeared. They provide greater possibilities to solve mathematical problems easier as well as to observe how the solution changes when one of the parameters changes. Electronic text books have become more popular however they can hardly be used during the lectures but it is a faster way to find information during students' independent studies. [From the publication]

1822-4644; 2345-0681
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