Pedagoginio personalo savivaldų mokymąsi skatinančios sąlygos ir veiksniai mokykloje, kaip besimokančioje organizacijoje

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pedagoginio personalo savivaldų mokymąsi skatinančios sąlygos ir veiksniai mokykloje, kaip besimokančioje organizacijoje
Alternative Title:
Conditions and factors promoting self-directed learning of pedagogical personnel at school as a learning organization
In the Journal:
Mokslas ir edukaciniai procesai [Science and process of education]. 2010, Nr. 4 (13), p. 38-53
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje pedagoginio personalo savivaldus mokymasis nagrinėjamas kaip besimokančios mokyklos naujos edukacinės kultūros darinys. Mokyklos, kaip besimokančios organizacijos, koncepcija yra grindžiama tarpšakiniu požiūriu, taikant dviejų mokslų (vadybos ir edukologijos) žinias, leidžiančias paaiškinti besimokančios mokyklos sampratą bei bruožų teorija, įgalinančia identifikuoti tokios mokyklos ypatybes ir charakteristikas. Mokyklos kaip besimokančios organizacijos, pedagoginio personalo savivaldaus mokymosi esmė ir bruožai yra aiškinami besimokančių asmenų saviugdos ir savišvietos procesuose. Empirinio tyrimo metu gauti rezultatai leidžia teigti, jog svarbios yra šios savivaldų mokymąsi skatinančios sąlygos ir veiksniai: pedagogų poreikių individualiai mokytis įvairioje aplinkoje palaikymas, orientuojantis į pedagoginės veiklos kognityvines komunikacijos funkcijas, gebėjimas prisiimti atsakomybę už mokymosi veiklą, rezultatus, tinkamos strategijos pasirinkimas bei jos realizavimas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Besimokanti organizacija; Mokymosi procesą skatinančios sąlygos bei veiksniai; Mokytojai; Pedagoginio personalo mokymosi procesas; Savivaldus mokymasis; Independent learning; Learning organisation; Learning organization; Self-directed learning; Teachers; Teaching staff learning process; The process of promoting the conditions and factors.

ENIn the first part of the article, based on the combination of approaches of management and educology sciences, the learning school is distinguished as a new educational, social and manage­rial phenomenon, a value, a culture oriented towards the learning practice, the most recent trend of the management science and post-modern educational paradigm. Features and characteristics of school as a learning organization are examined in the context of feature theory. The second part of the article explains self-directed learning of personnel of the learning organization in the self-development and self-education processes of learners. The learning paradigm defines the learners, their abilities and environment (which determines the new space of activity for the educator and requires for new competences of the learners, developers and education organizers) as the key elements of the learning process. Self-directed learning of personnel in the learning school is actualized through the following: recognition of educational environment conducive to learning; selection of suitable learning strategies; self-development of abilities needed for working in different groups and teams; assumption of responsibility for learning and its outcomes; management of learning processes in formal as well as informal, personal space of individual's activity. The third part of the article presents the research design and methods. A questionnaire survey was organized in 2008 in order to collect the data, in 26 secondary schools of comprehensive education of Northern Lithuania.The survey sample comprised 340 educators. The survey instrument - questionnaire - prepared for the educators (principals and teachers) working in schools of comprehensive education was constructed based on the theoretical concepts of scientists who studied self-directed learning (Tough, 1971; Knowles, 1975; Moore, 1986; Candy, 1991; Grow, 1991; Hiemstra, 1994; Bolhuis, 1996). The questionnaire comprised 75 closed-ended statements. The reliability of questionnaire statements' scale was evaluated by running a Cronbach's Alpha test. Reliability coefficient obtained (0.93) shows a high internal correlation of statements. The fourth part of the article presents the results of factor analysis. Empirical research revealed that self-directed learning processes of educators in the learning school are promoted by educational and learning environments as well as the individuals' need for individual learning. The following factors promoting self-directed learning are significant to the educators in the learning school: planning of the learning process, strengthening of motivation for improvement and learning, promotion of independence and responsibility for learning and its results. The following factors affecting self-directed learning were not sufficiently significant to the educators: realization of feedback in learning processes, implementation of learning plan, organizational work and learning in groups. [From the publication]

1822-4644; 2345-0681
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