LTStraipsnyje analizuojama kūno kultūros specialybės studentų gyvenimo tikslų hierarchinė struktūra, kurią sudaro integralieji profesiniai, asmeniniai, karjeros ir visuomeninio gyvenimo tikslai. Studentų, ypač aukštesniųjų kursiu gyvenimo tikslus galima charakterizuoti kaip „ateities laukimą“ ir galimybių numatymą jos siekiant. Gyvenimo stiliaus projektuose matyti optimistinės prognozės, baimė ir nusivylimas. Gyvenimo tikslų analizės pagrindu galima išskirti šiuos gyvenimo stilius: racionalistinį, individualistinį ir spontaniškąjį. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Determinantė; Gyvenimo stilius; Studentai; Tikslai; Determinant; Life style; Purposes; Students.
ENLife purposes are the constituent part of the personality life style and the component of its purposiveness, projecting close and distant results in diverse spheres of life activities (professional, learning, societal, cultural-leisure-time, family-everyday). Such image performs the function of programming future activities in order to achieve certain results (Jacikevičius, 1994; Giddens, 2000; Adleris, 2003; Franki, 1998; Jovaiša, 2007; 2009, etc.). Life orientations and plans of Physical Education speciality students as well as their imagination of the future reflect not only the specificity of youth's awareness but also complicated changes in contemporary society, the contradiction of which manifests through attitudes of society members, transformations of life styles of various social-demographic groups. Readiness for independent planning of life and striving for certain results encourage young people to think about the purpose and meaning of life, to understand the most relevant one's needs as well as to set the interests and the ways for their implementation while matching them with own possibilities. The imagination of what purposes and results of life activities must be opens to students the opportunity to find the model, structure of own life, i.e. to project own life style. That is why the research of the structure of aims of students' life becomes a highly relevant issue because the purpose, as the deepest dimension lying inside a human, is the central axis while projecting the life style.The research object is the structure and content of the life aims of Physical Education speciality students. The research aim is to identify students' life purposes as well as to define their structure and content in the context of life style projection. In order to achieve the research aims, the method of qualitative research was applied. The surveyed wrote a free essay „The Purposes of My Life and the Possibilities for Achieving Them". 62 first and fourth year students of Physical Education study programme of Šiauliai University Faculty of Education Studies took part in the qualitative research which was carried out in 2009. The space of life purposes of students of the speciality of Physical Education is peculiar with the hierarchal structure which contains purposes of the integral (overall), professional, personal, career and societal life. Life purposes of students, especially those of senior years of studies, can be characterised as the „waiting for the future" and anticipation of the opportunities in striving for the future. Optimistic prognoses, fear and disappointment dominate in life style projects. Such position is complex and contradicting: on the one hand, students' understanding that it is impossible to expect implementation of all one's plans and, on the other hand, that one should be prepared for complicated and unprognosticated realia of contemporary life. [...]. [From the publication]