LTPagrindinis Vydūno filosofiją formavęs šaltinis – senoji indų filosofija, ypač viena iš jos sistemų – vedanta. Jos postulatais remdamasis lietuvių mąstytojas sukūrė savo filosofinę koncepciją, kuriai pagrįsti papildomų argumentų rado ir vakarietiškose koncepcijose. Ypač daug remiamasi antikine filosofija, su kuria esama gana akivaizdžių idėjinių sąšaukų. Studijos fragmente išryškinami ankstyvosios antikos atstovų Herakleito, Ksenofano, Parmenido, Pitagoro bei vieno iš klasikinio laikotarpio korifėjų Sokrato idėjų atitikmenys Vydūno filosofinėje koncepcijoje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Antikinė filosofija; Antikos filosofija; Būtis; Dievas; Pasaulis; Pažinimas; Vydūnas (Wilhelm Storost; Vilhelmas Storostas, Storosta); Žmogus; Ancient philosophy; Being; Cognition; God; Man; Vydūnas; World.
ENAncient Hindu philosophy, especially one of its systems - Vedantą, was the main source of Vydūnas philosophy. On the basis of its postulates, the Lithuanian thinker built his own pshilosophical theory, supported by the auxiliary arguments taken from occidental - especially from Ancient Greek and Roman - teachings. This study fragment focuses attention on pre-Socratics: Heraclitus, Xenophanes, Parmenides, Pythagoras and one of the leading thinkers of classical period - Socrates as far as their ideas are involved into Vydūnas philosophy. Similarly as Heraclitus (c. 544-483 BC) does, Vydūnas explains being as permanent transformation of fire principle. Also Vydūnas employs the pantheistic concept of Xenophanes (c. 580-480 BC) who divides being into God as only true reality and the world as quasi reality. Parmenides's (c. 540-470) postulate of eternal, immutable and indivisible being, which has nothing in common with perceptible contingent phenomena, finds its counterpart in Vydūnas's teaching of the true spiritual reality, the only source of all phenomena. Especially Vydūnas likes teaching on metempsychosis and spiritual liberation by means of moral self perfecting by Pythagoras (c. 570-497 BC) and his school. As an example of self-dedication to wisdom and morality, Vydūnas takes Socrates (469-399). No less than the latter, Vydūnas worships unconditional goodness as conditio sine qua non for happiness and underlines necessity of morality in pursuit of knowledge. [From the publication]