Three articulations of Isaac in Lithuanian literature

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Anglų kalba / English
Three articulations of Isaac in Lithuanian literature
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Antanas Škėma; Biblija; Biblinis motyvas; Drama; Icchokas Meras; Izaokas; Izokas; Literatūra; Sigitas Parulskis; Tekstai; Antanas Škėma; Bible; Biblical episode; Icchaokas Meras; Icchokas Meras; Isaac; Isaak; Lithuanian literature; Play; Sigitas Parulskis; Text.

ENThe following article analyses significant 20th century Lithuanian literary texts that interpret the Biblical episode of the sacrifice of Isaac: Lygiosios trunka akimirką (The Stalemate, 1963), a novel by Icchokas meras; Izaokas (Isaac, 1960-61), a novella by Antanas Škėma; and P.S. byla O.K (PS Case O.K., 1997), a play by Sigitas Parulskis. The various interpretations of the Biblical episode reveal the literary perception of historical 20th century cataclysms and help to determine the ecriture style of the analyzed texts, which attest to the change in values and consciousness, and the effect of the socio-cultural context for each of the authors. In the system of values in the novel by Icchokas Meras, who straddles two cultures, the reader recognizes the Judeo-Christian moral system and accents of existentially marginal situations, presenting a universal meaning of the relationship of God's cfhildren to the story of the Biblical Isaac. Škėma's story, written in emigration, presents an absurd individual experience, conditioned by illogical play on historical circumstances, altering the understanding of God's will, which is the basis of the Biblical story. Parulskis' play, which depicts recent Soviet history and the beginning of independence, opens up several possibilities for interpretation. The author's ambition to edit the Holy Scripture by rewriting one of the most important episodes, in this article, is connected to the postmodern attitude - inexorable for the children of Soviet surrealism. [From the publication]

2021-02-15 16:45:01
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