Lietuvių imigrantų savivaldaus mokymosi patirtis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvių imigrantų savivaldaus mokymosi patirtis
Alternative Title:
Experience of self-directed learning of Lithuanian immigrants as faster integration into England's community
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2011, 104, p. 70-78
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje savivaldus lietuvių imigrantų mokymasis traktuojamas kaip vienas iš spartesnės integracijos būdų. Savivaldaus mokymosi poreikis atsiranda lietuvių imigrantų integracijos į Anglijos bendruomenės sociokultūrinę aplinką procese. Į šią aplinką patekusiems lietuviams, siekiantiems sparčiai ir veiksmingai integruotis, reikia ypač greitai išmokti prisitaikyti prie šalies gyvenimo ypatumų. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuviai imigrantai; Savivaldus mokymasis; Integracija; Bendruomenė; Immigrants; Independent learning; Integration; Community.

ENSelf-directed learning is usually treated as one of the paradigms of contemporary learning. However, its ideas trace back far deeper than just to the 20th century, originating in the Antique civilization; the method of self-directed learning was even employed by Greek philosophers. Self-directed learning is a process providing an opportunity to an independently studying individual to become the initiator of self-directed learning thus taking control of one’s learning process. A student, with or without assistance of other people, plans and assesses his/her study process in a strife to acquire specific abilities. S/he is denoted by an appeal to study and by certain management competences. The necessity for self-directed learning is manifested in the integration process of Lithuanian immigrants in the English community, namely, in the socio cultural environment, where Lithuanians are required to learn to get integrated to the peculiarities of the cultural lifestyle when pursuing rapid and efficient integration. Considering self-directed learning from an empirical point of view, it is denoted by having been researched by a number of scholars and grounded by various empirical analyses. However, after having performed analysis of information websites, it was observed that self-directed studies of Lithuanian immigrants had not received any attention and consequently had not been researched at all. In order to reflect the current situation most precisely, this research is based on theoretical attitudes of self-directed learning.The research demonstrates that Lithuanian immigrants pursuing efficient integration in the English community employ the method of selfdirected learning. By learning in a self-directed way, Lithuanian immigrants supervise their own learning process by selecting when to learn independently and when they need to be taught by other individuals competent and willing enough to provide the necessary knowledge. Professional needs and the necessity of increasing family welfare incites them to be the managers of their own learning process. All Lithuanian immigrants are denoted by willingness to learn and abilities to manage the process of learning. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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