Vaiko pasaulis - jo vertybinių orientacijų šaltinis

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Vaiko pasaulis - jo vertybinių orientacijų šaltinis
Alternative Title:
Child's world as his/her value orientation sourcek
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama vaiko vertybinių orientacijų ir jį supančio pasaulio bei jame vyraujančių suaugusių žmonių vertybinių nuostatų sąveika. Tyrimų, atliktų miesto ir kaimo mokyklose, rezultatai rodo tiesioginį ryšį tarp artimiausios vaiko aplinkos ir jo siekių bei svajonių. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Aplinkos Įtaka; Auklėjimas; Vaiko pasaulis; Vertybinės nuostatos; Vertybinės orientacijos; Child's world: value orientation; Education; Environmental impact.

ENThe article is an analysis of the child inner world, dream and value orientation problem. It describes interaction between a child's inner world and his/her environment. On the basis of the research performed, a direct connection has been determined among pragmatic value orientations of adults and children that are becoming increasingly prominent. The article discloses very low social attitudes of children. Approximately two thirds of all children relate their dreams with their individual benefits only. Striving for material wealth dominates in children's dreams as well as in the contemporary world that surrounds children. Value orientations of urban and rural children are directed towards similar goals, but the scopes of the wishes and dreams expressed by children differ to a great extent. A rural child dreams of acquiring a schoolbag, a piano or a bicycle. Meanwhile, an urban child would like to possess a latest-model car or to be the richest person in the world. In the authors' opinion, the above situation reflects negative impact on children's inner spiritual world caused not only by the direct environment, but also by television and press. The results of this research makes us to think over educational development strategics and not to repeat the mistakes of early 20th century typical of pedocentrism. [text from author]

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2020-04-03 18:32:18
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