Sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolio elgsenos prasmės beieškant. Kokybinio tyrimo taikymo negalės srityje galimybės

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolio elgsenos prasmės beieškant. Kokybinio tyrimo taikymo negalės srityje galimybės
Alternative Title:
In search for the meaning of behaviour of the child with intellectual disabilities. Possibilities of qualitative investigation in the sphere of disability
In the Journal:
Specialusis ugdymas [Special Education]. 2002, Nr. 2 (7), p. 75-86
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje postmodernistinių kokybinių interpretatyvinių metodologijų požiūriu norima atskleisti sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolių elgesio prasmės paieškos tikslingumą. Keliama hipotezė, jog siekiant kompleksinio šių jaunuolių pažinimo, kokybinio tyrimo metodologija, grįsta fenomenologine ir hermeneutine paradigma, gali sėkmingai papildyti specialiojo ugdymo srityje taikomas tyrimų metodologines strategijas (klinikinę, didaktinę, sociologinę ir kt.). Hipotezė tikrinama vieno atvejo tyrimu. Tyrimas parodė, jog beprasmis socialinio konteksto požiūriu sutrikusio intelekto jaunuolio elgesys, analizuotas fenomenologiniu metodu, subjektyviai gali būti prasmingas ir reikšmingas. Tyrimo pagrindu keliama nauja hipotezė, jog kokybinė interpretacinė tyrimo metodologija yra tinkama ir taikytina sutrikusio intelekto asmenų elgesio analizei. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Elgsenos prasmės beieškant; Kokybiniai tyrimai; Kokybinis tyrimas; Negalia; Prasmė; Sutrikusio intelekto jaunuoliai; Sutrikęs intelektas; Behavioral sense; Disability; Implication; Mentally retarded young people; Qualitative research; Unhinded itelect.

ENArticle aims at revealing the sense of the search for the meaning of the behaviour of children with intellectual disabilities from the postmodernist qualitative interpretative methodological positions. The hypothesis of the investigation is reflected by two presumptions: qualitative interpretative research methodology opens a new space for complex knowledge of a child with intellectual disorders concerning subjective essence and meaning the behaviour of a child with moderate intellectual disabilities which is quite meaningless from the point of view of the normative context may have a very subjective meaning. The goals of the investigation are: checking validity of the qualitative interpretative research methodology for studying the child with moderate intellectual disorder, revealing the purpose of intellectually disabled child's behaviour and its meanings (the child's and the investigator's). The investigation used the qualitative interpretative research methodology with the concrete bias to phenomenological hermetic paradigm. There as made a case study: through the prism of the investigator's experience there was observed the behaviour of one child with moderate intellectual disabilities, whose motives, personality meaning, and meaning attitude are the object of phenomenological attention. The investigation revealed that the behaviour of the child, which is quite meaningless from the point of view of the social context when analysed with the help of phenomenological method could be meaningful and important subjectively.Of course the one case analysis doesn't give the right to the investigator to generalize the data and interpretations but it reveals the analysed phenomenon deeper: the investigated individual was cautions in choosing his role, estimated the necessary conditions and performed the role to the end; realizing his goals the investigated individual used his former experience in new conditions creatively and precisely; expressive means of the investigated individual provoke the reaction of the environment as well as a discussion. On the one hand creative and demanding good orientation transference of experience put the individual behinds the limits of his disability and places hem on the same level with an individual of normal intellect; on the other hand because of conventional image of mental disability in the context of his environment the expressive means of the investigated individual are difficult to comprehend and to justify. There is a new hypothesis based on the investigation that the qualitative interpretative research methodology is potentially valid and could be applied in the analysis of the behaviour of children with mental disorders. [From the publication]

1392-5369; 2424-3299
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