Profesinės sporto kalbos vartojimo ypatumai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knygos dalis / Part of the book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Profesinės sporto kalbos vartojimo ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Usage pecularities of professional sports language
In the Book:
Tekstas ir kontekstas: prasmės formavimasis / redakcinė kolegija: Ilona Mickienė (pirmininkė) ... [et al.]. Kaunas: Vilniaus universiteto Kauno humanitarinis fakultetas, 2004. P. 142-146
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Norminamoji kalbos literatūra; Profesinė sporto kalba; Skoliniai; Skolinimasis; Skolinys; Sporto kalba; Terminija; Variantas; Barbarisms; Borrowing; Loanword; Normative language literature; Professional sports language; Terms; Variant.

ENProfessional sports language is a specific part of language, which conforms to all the laws of literary language development. Sports language includes the lexicon of mother tongue (Lithuanian), most often turned into terms, neologisms as well as loanwords adapted from a foreign language. Sports language should not involve unnecessary barbarisms, should not suitable to use. The level of physical education teachers and coaches in their master ship of concepts and terms in sports texts was analyzed. The conclusion was made that it is difficult for sports language users to choose the Lithuanian version instead of a loanword In the creation of professional sports texts one little refers to the normative language literature, especially to the Dictionary - of Sport Terms. [text from author]

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2017-02-20 20:30:26
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