LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Darna; Tautosaka; Lietuvių poezija vaikams; Mitiškas pasaulis; Pasaulis; Poetika; Sigitas Geda; Žaidimas; Žaidimo poetika; Folklore; Game; Lithuanian children's poetry; Lithuanian poetry for children; Mythical world; Poetics; Poetics of play; Sigitas Geda; Sustainability; World.
ENThe article gives an analysis of poetics of play, showing how it enables to reveal space of the world outlook, development of the mythical world and the human consciousness, in what ways different problems are solved - for instance, unity of the Man and the Nature, mysteriousness of things, spirituality. Principles of S. Geda's poetic play will cover a play with analogies, paradox, colours, words. The folklore, stylised by peculiar plays, enables to establish the unique model of the figurative world. [text from author]