Studijų programos tikslas ir numatomi rezultatai : savianalizės aspektas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Studijų programos tikslas ir numatomi rezultatai: savianalizės aspektas
Alternative Title:
Objective and foreseen results of a study programme: the aspect of self-analysis
In the Journal:
Studijos šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. 2012, Nr. 3(1), p. 214-226
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Savianalizės modeliai; Tikslai ir rezultatai; Tikslų ir rezultatų tinkamumas, pagrįstumas; Tinkamumas ir pagrįstumas; Availability of goals and results, validity; Fitness and Validity; Models of self-examination; Objectives and results; Self-assessment models.

EN[...] The research problem is related to the self-analysis of social science study programmes initiated in Šiauliai State College in 2011 and the need to formulate the system of criteria in terms of the relevance of the aim and expected learning outcomes analysis: on one hand, the very laconic criteria of the assessment methodologies of the study programmes provide much freedom to the compilers of self-analysis, on the other hand, they are obviously insufficient to assess the aims of the study programme and its expected learning outcomes. The subject of the research is the self-analysis of the aim of the study programme and expected learning outcomes. The aim of the research is to develop a system of instruments for the assessment of the relevance of the goal of the study programme and expected learning outcomes. [...] The self-analysis, as an integral part of a higher quality assurance system, is an important factor in the renewal of the study programmes. The summation of the examined sources of information indicates the necessity to perform a self-analysis not only in terms of stating its condition but also in terms of the viability of the study programme. During the research, two self-analysis models of the aim of the programme and expected learning outcomes were developed by distinguishing between the feasibility and relevance aspects of the analysed parameters.[...] It was found that the relevance of the parameters being analysed should be assessed by taking into account whether they reflect the picture of the profession of a future specialist, the competence acquired by a student – readiness to use his/her knowledge, skills, values and attitudes effectively. Taking into account the distinguished features of the relevance of the aim of the study programme and expected learning outcomes, the system of detailed criteria (features) and the forms of analysis (tables) has been developed which enables to analyse the following: professional picture and competence of a future specialist, the relevance of the objectives and the aim of the study programme as well as the expected learning outcomes. It was ascertained that the features of the relevance of detailed parameters being analysed in various aspects correlate with the other areas of self-analysis. The developed self-analysis tools make preconditions for the assessment not only of the relevance of the aim of the study programme and learning outcomes but also for revealing whether these parameters are based on professional, labour market and public requirements for future professionals, whether they could satisfy personal needs and whether they meet the qualification level and the level of education and etc. [...]. [text from author]

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