Ugdymą(si) aktyvinančių metodų taikymo edukacinės galimybės muzikos pedagogikos studijose universitete

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Ugdymą(si) aktyvinančių metodų taikymo edukacinės galimybės muzikos pedagogikos studijose universitete
Alternative Title:
Educational opportunities of the application of active education methods in music pedagogy studies at university
In the Journal:
Studijos šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. 2012, Nr. 3(1), p. 55-64
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojama veiklos tyrimo metu įgyta patirtis taikant ugdymą(si) aktyvinančius metodus muzikos pedagogikos studijose. Tyrimo dalyviai – Šiaulių universiteto muzikos pedagogikos antro kurso bakalaurai (N = 18). Panaudojant trianguliacinę prieigą atskleista kūrybos, improvizacijos, projektų metodų edukacinė reikšmė. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Improvizacija; Kūryba; Projektai; Ugdymą aktyvinantys metodai; Veiklos tyrimas; Veiklos tyrimas, ugdymą(si) aktyvinantys metodai: kūrybos, improvizacijos, projektų; Action research; Active educatio methods; Active education methods; Activity study; Creativity; Improvisation; Projects.

ENThe paper analyses students’ experience gained during an activity study. The activity study was carried out with the second year students of Siauliai University the Faculty of Arts studying Music Pedagogy (N=18). The objective of the study was to highlight the integration possibilities of active education methods (creation, improvisation, projects) into music pedagogy studies at university. The research methods: theoretical analysis of scientific literature; activities analysis; qualitative and quantitative analysis of results. The results of the study helped to reveal positive students’ experience related with the application of the active education methods and highlighted the factors, which influence the efficiency of students’ teaching/learning. While evaluating the parameters of a creative writing task, the estimate of thinking originality increased; less increase was in the variety and richness of details. The most original signs were recorded in the area of the rhythmic interests and the least – in harmonic. After the use of the improvisation method, the students’ improvised accompaniment and creativity skills changed positively. Statistically significant changes were obtained in the fields of improvisation, the improvised accompaniment of functions. The most obvious changes were recorded evaluating creative tasks – the improvised accompaniment; the minimum changes – in the field of melodic and harmonic improvisation. The research revealed the educational factors of the project method usage in the pedagogical studies.These aspects are tightly related to deep learning, curriculum integrity, motivation promotion and self-expression, basic skills development, the promotion of moral values, the development of creativity and the positive displacements of roles in a team while becoming an active participant, who seeks solutions of problems and is a leader instead of being a passive observer. [From the publication]

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