Paukščiai - kelio aiškintojai vestuvinėse dainose

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Paukščiai - kelio aiškintojai vestuvinėse dainose
Alternative Title:
Birds as the interpreters of the way in Lithuanian wedding songs
In the Journal:
Tiltai. Priedas. 2001, Nr. 5, p. 65-70
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTPaukščio vaizdinys įvairių šalių tautosakoje yra vienas seniausių. Jis yra populiarus ir lietuvių dainuojamojoje tautosakoje, ypač vestuvinėse dainose. Šiame straipsnyje aptariamas kranklio (varno), sakalo, gegutės įvaizdis lietuvių vestuvinėje poezijoje. Minėti paukščiai skirtingų kultūrų religinėse sistemose laikyti dievų pasiuntiniais, sieti su žinojimu. Lietuvių vestuvinėse dainose, be kitų reikšmingų vaidmenų, jie vaizduojami kaip kelio aiškintojai, tarpininkai, su vestuvėmis susijusių įvykių liudininkai. Galimas daiktas, kad paukščio –kelio aiškintojo motyvas aptariamo žanro dainose atsirado formuojantis nuotakos vogimo tradicijai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Daina; Kelio aiškintojas; Liudininkas; Paukštis; Vestuvinės dainos; Vestuvės; Žinianešys; Bird; Interpreter of die way; Interpreter of the way; Lithuania; Lithuanian folklore; Messenger; Song; Wedding; Wedding songs; Witness.

ENIn historical sources birds are being mentioned as the significant elements of certain rituals. In earlier times birds were accepted as special creatures and were often glorified. As birds seemed significant to our ancestors, they started to represent them in a singing folklore. This article deals with the wedding activities of the most popular birds, such as: raven, hawk, cuckoo. A cuckoo, and hawk in Lithuanian, raven in Latvian wedding songs, (apart from other important roles) were employed as the interpreters of the way, and the ones who know everything Very often these birds were described as the witnesses of the wedding events: for example they w ere observing situation when the bride was stolen away. Such activity is mythological motivated, because in different cultures and religious systems cuckoo, hawk, and raven are associated with those who know everything or even the messengers of Gods. The discussed birds are localised in a special space. They can be found perching in a hill, lime or oak trees. A bird perching in this miraculous tree (limes and oaks are symbols of the world tree) is linked with the world having different qualities (esp. the heaven) to ancient people. As these birds have a direct connections with heaven spheres, our ancestors tried to enter into dialogues with them. During the conversation, they tried to find out where the bride stealers took the bride. It is possible that the role of the bird as the interpreter of the way became important when the stolen weddings took roots.It has been noticed that cuckoo and raven are more often thought to be the interpreters of the way. (Sometimes they are associated with a partridge, quail, or duck.) Meanwhile a hawk is often described as a messenger rather than the interpreter of the way. His latter activity is of the secondary importance. In Latvian wedding songs, that posses the image of a raven as an interpreter of the way, the motives of the later culture are noticed: for example, in such songs certain toponims are mentioned, or a bird is playing the kankles (Lithuanian national musical instrument) is represented. It is worth to notice that the motive of a bird in Lithuanian wedding songs underwent less cultural influence. [From the publication]

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