Muzikinis ugdymas Didžiosios ir Mažosios Lietuvos mokykloje: bendrybės ir skirtumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Muzikinis ugdymas Didžiosios ir Mažosios Lietuvos mokykloje: bendrybės ir skirtumai
Alternative Title:
Features of development of musical education in schools of Major and Minor Lithuania: common traits and differences
In the Journal:
Tiltai. Priedas. 2001, Nr. 5, p. 21-30
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje siekiama atskleisti muzikinio ugdymo Didžiosios ir Mažosios Lietuvos mokykloje raidos tendencijas nuo XIV a. pabaigos – pirmųjų mokyklų atsiradimo – iki XVIII a. pabaigos – Edukacines komisijos bei švietimo pasaulietinimo laikotarpio. Analizuojami muzikinio ugdymo raidos bendrumai ir skirtumai Didžiosios ir Mažosios Lietuvos mokykloje jo tikslo, turinio, formų, mokytojų rengimo aspektais. Problema bandoma tirti bendrame Lietuvos mokyklos bei pedagoginės minties, taip pat muzikinio ugdymo Europoje raidos kontekste. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Didžioji Lietuva; Etninės tradicijos; Giesmė; Mažoji Lietuva; Mokykla; Muzika; Muzikiniai standartai; Muzikinis ugdymas; Ethno trditions; Great Lithuania; Lithuania Minor; Music; Music education; Music standarts; School; Song.

ENThe sources of musical education in Lithuania Minor and Great Lithuania are based upon two models of development of Lithuanian culture: the ethnic - Baltic and the European, the first one, the ethnic - Baltic, was present in the family, in the child's immediate environment, in the community, and was based on the traditions of Lithuanian folk music - making, especially singing. The second, the European one, was developing in Lithuanian educational institutions, was closely linked to activities of churches and monasteries and was based on pedagogical ideas, content and forms brought by Christianity and Church from Western Europe. The development of musical education in Lithuania can be divided into several historical periods, determined by ethnic geopolitical, social - cultural and other factors: 1) pre-institutional period, which existed many centuries before the appearance of first schools in Lithuania, and later developed next to them; 2) from the introduction of Christianity and the appearance of first schools in Lithuania until the Reformation: the end of XIV C (1387) - mid. of XVI C; 3) the period of confrontation between the Reformation and counter - Reformation: mid. of XVI С - end of .XVIII C; 4) the Period of the Leadership of the Education Commission and secularization of education: end of XVIII С (1773-1795); 5) Lithuania as a Constituent Part of Russia and the German Empire: end of XVIII С - beginning of the XX С (1795-918). This article deals with the first three periods.The development of musical education of Great and Minor Lithuanian school - its common traits and differences - was determined by the activity of Protestant and Catholic Church, general condition of school and pedagogues in Great Lithuania and Lithuania Minor, in new ideas, coming from Western Europe, etc. The school system and musical education first started in Great Lithuania. The main role during counter - reformation period in Great Lithuanian's musical education was played by Catholic Church and Jesuits. The musical education in Protestant Lithuania Minor developed in a specific and different way compared to Great Lithuania. It was because of different political, historical, social-cultural and religious circumstances. The musical education in Lithuania Minor was more active, and at this point Protestant Minor Lithuania had an advantage compared to Great Lithuania. But in both Great, and Minor Lithuania schools the main trend of musical education was based on religion. During the analyzed period (the end of IV - the end of XVIII C) schools in Lithuania were attended only by a small number of schoolchildren. That is why the musical education of the biggest part of growing generation took place in a family, the community of villages, etc., and was influenced by our regional ethnic traditional culture. [From the publication]

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