LTStraipsnyje apžvelgiama apie du šimtus lietuvių patarlių ir priežodžių, kuriuose minima boba (kartais jos sinonimai - moteris /motė, pati, žmona). Posakiai daugiausia rinkti iš LLTI sisteminės Lietuvių patarlių ir priežodžių kartotekos, šiek tiek iš Jono Paulausko „Lietuvių kalbos frazeologijos žodyno“ (1977) ir Klementinos Vosylytės „Lietuvių kalbos palyginimų žodyno“ (1985). Straipsnio tikslas - suskirstyti atrinktą medžiagą į temines grupes ir, jas aptarus, nustatyti, koks požiūris į moterį ir jos prigimtį atsiskleidžia lietuvių patarlėse. Atsiribota nuo posakių su tokiais atraminiais žodžiais, kaip motina, duktė, anyta, marti, merga, senmergė, davatka, sesuo, nes jie labiausiai akcentuoja vieną kurį socialinį aspektą. Šie papildomi štrichai, be abejo, praturtintų tiriamą moters paveikslą lietuvių patarlėse, bet tai jau būtų didesnės apimties studijos ar net monografijos uždavinys. Straipsnyje daugiausia naudojamasi aprašomuoju ir stilistinės analizės metodais, šiek tiek - gretinamuoju metodu. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Boba; Feminizmas; Lietuvių folkloras; Patarlės; Priežodžiai; Įvaizdis; A pejorative word for woman; Boba (old women); Feminism; Folklore; Image; Lithuania; Proverbial phrases; Proverbs.
ENArticle presents an analysis of approximately 200 Lithuanian proverbs and proverbial phrases, in which "boba" (a pejorative word for 'woman') or its synonyms, are used. Most o f them have been collected from the systematic catalogue of Lithuanian proverbs and proverbial phrases, compiled at the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, others picked out from various publications. After having concisely discussed the etymology, semantics and usage of the word "boba" in Lithuanian, the author proceeds to describe and stylistically analyze the collected data. The "boba" - proverbs are classified into 5 thematic groups: the outward appearance of boba, her character, her activities, "boba" in the male world and how she should be treated, "boba" and the Devil. After having analyzed all these five groups, the general image of "boba" can be made out. It appears that the attitude towards the woman, the essence of femininity and the female nature, as reflected in Lithuanian proverbs, is rather contradictory. On the one hand, woman is subjected to undeserved humiliation and scorn, her appearance is ridiculed, all her faults and weaknesses of her character are meticulously pointed out and criticized; woman is not only regarded as inferior to man, but according to some proverbs, she should not be considered a human being at all. On the other hand, in quite a considerable number of Lithuanian proverbs woman is described as mysteriously related to supernatural powers, and sometimes even capable of outwitting the Devil himself. Thus she presents constant threat to men and does not always yield to male dominance. Such a contradictory image of "boba" (woman) answers the genre definition of proverbs. The corpus of proverbs and proverbial phrases actually represents the totality of slowly accumulated empirical knowledge about the world, thus reflecting the incongruities and discordances existing i.