Geografijos mokytojo žinių, gebėjimų ir vertybių ypatumai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Geografijos mokytojo žinių, gebėjimų ir vertybių ypatumai
Alternative Title:
Specific knowledge, skills and values of teachers of geography
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2011, 102, p. 104-115
Summary / Abstract:

LTNagrinėjant šiuolaikinio žmogaus veiklą, mokslinėje literatūroje akcentuojama platesnė asmenybės erdvė – kompetencija. Ši sąvoka, plačiai vartojama vadybos teorijoje apibrėžiant profesijas ir veiklos kriterijus, Lietuvos edukologijoje pastaruoju metu irgi įgijo svarbią reikšmę ir prasmę. Apibūdinant mokytoją, jo veiklos funkcijas, gebėjimus bei asmenybę, pabrėžiama, kad pedagogas turi būti visapusiai išsilavinęs ir kompetentingas specialistas. Taigi iškyla būtinumas atskleisti konkrečios specialybės mokytojo kompetencijas. Atsižvelgiant į tai, šiame straipsnyje išsamiai analizuojamos geografijos mokytojo žinios, gebėjimai, asmeninės savybės ir vertybės, kurios, remiantis moksline literatūra, sudaro pedagogo specialiąsias kompetencijas, lemiančias sėkmingą jo veiklą konkrečiame ugdymo turinio koncentre. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Mokytojo kompetencijos; Geografijos mokytojo specialiosios kompetencijos; Geografijos mokymas; Bendrieji gebėjimai; Geografijos mokytojo vertybės; Satisfaction with profession; Education of professional vocation; Vision of carrier.

ENScientific literature analysing modern human activities emphasises the wider personal space of an individual, i.e. his competence. Recently, this notion, widely used in management theories defining professions or human activity criteria, also has acquired importance and sense in the Lithuanian educology. Assessment of teachers, their functions, skills and personalities emphasises the importance of universal education and competences. The competences described in teaching-learning contexts basically coincide with descriptions of competences of specialists of other fields of activities. Foreign and Lithuanian researchers develop in detail the essence, structure, aspects of usage and complex character of this term. Therefore there is no need once more to go deeper into this term. Yet broader and more detailed analysis of knowledge, competences, values and personal features of teachers of concrete specialities are lacking. The present article is an attempt for a more detailed analysis of knowledge, skills and values as specific competences of teachers of geography. Analysis of scientific literature allows stating that a teacher of geography is expected to have a broad spectrum of knowledge encompassing the fields of cognition of natural, economic, geopolitical, regional, cultural, service, resources, etc. geography. For example, teachers of geography must know: development history and trends of geography as a scientific discipline and its multidimensional dynamic and competitive character; elements of natural systems and patterns of their development and interaction; patterns of formation and interaction of social and economic systems, etc.The skills of teachers of geography should form an integral whole and harmoniously supplement each other. They should be linked by general skills helping to develop specific professional and training ones. Therefore it is rather difficult to distinguish purely specific skills. Among the main specific skills we can mention: the skill of applying in practice various theories, models and methods; the skill of comparing, analyse, structure and interpret the theoretical and practical social-natural material; the skill of establishing the causal relations between geographical phenomena and regularities. Based on literary sources and results of empirical investigations, we can assume that the following personal features are necessary for teachers of geography as also for teachers of other subjects: love for children, inclination for teaching work, energy, activity, communicability, creativeness, tolerance, self-confidence, optimism and responsibility. Generalising the survey of values, we can distinguish the basic ones which should be conveyed to students by teachers of geography: humanistic education (open-hearted communication and cooperation with students, optimisation of training process, ability to help students to understand themselves, etc.), democratic (personal and civil responsibility, equality of rights, social and economic justice, etc.), spiritual (ecological consciousness), and educational (geographical perception) values. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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