Interpretavimo reikšmė XI-XII klasių mokinių kritinio mąstymo ugdymui

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Interpretavimo reikšmė XI-XII klasių mokinių kritinio mąstymo ugdymui
Alternative Title:
Interpretation's meaning of the development of critical thought in the 11th and 12th grades
In the Journal:
Pedagogika [Pedagogy]. 2011, 102, p. 37-43
Summary / Abstract:

LTMokymas interpretuoti gali padėti formuoti mokinių kritinį mąstymą. Daugiau interpretuodami jie pasiekia aukštesnį mąstymo lygį, aiškiau suvokia meno kūrinių savitumą, idėjas, prasmes. Teigiamai pakitęs mokinių kritinis mąstymas rodo, kad informacijos paieškos įgūdžiai, jų sąsajų ieškojimas, panašumų ir skirtumų išskyrimas, jų analizavimas ir kt. suformuoja pagrindą, kuris jiems padeda geriau suvokti meno kūrinių sudėtingas ir daugialypes savybes, jų prasmes. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Interpretacija; Kritinis mąstymas; Kritinio mąstymo kriterijai; Interpretation; Critical thinking; Work of art.

ENThe abundance of art forms and visual symbols has flooded today’s cultural and social space. It is becoming a natural and familiar space for modern youth to form their aesthetic, artistic, and overall attitude of arts. In this world amply filled with visual expression, such art forms as kitsch, pseudo-art, and commercial production live side by side with the truly valuable and significant art discoveries. For this reason, the youngster’s ability to distinguish valuable objects from the temporary irrelevant ones, his orientation in multilayered and polysemantic medium of artistic phenomena becomes utterly important. In order to prevent the students’ interest in culture and arts from collapsing into walls of cheap art surrogates, to support their endeavors in solving cultural and moral issues, in order for them to actively create and nourish the culture, their critical thinking has to be formed. The novelty of this work lies in evaluation of the effect of interpretation of works of art on critical thinking of the students. This art interpretation model might be useful in designing art history study programs. The aim of the research is to disclose the effect of art interpretation on cognition of art movements by improving critical thinking abilities. The hypothesis of the research: the critical thinking abilities of 11th and 12th grade students will be formed and improved more efficiently if interpretation of works of art is implemented into art history study process. The object of the research is the effect of interpretation on critical thinking of 11th and 12th grade students.The objectives of the research are: analyzing the features and advantages of critical thinking in academic, philosophical, psychological, and pedagogical literature; exposing the specificity of interpretation method and the effects of its application in art education; designing an art interpretation model by improving critical thinking skills of the students; clarifying the students’ knowledge and views towards interpretation of art; researching the link of interpretation and critical thinking skill dispersion of 11th and 12th grade students. The methods of the research: analysis of philosophical, psychological, and other relevant literature. Initial research. The one-alternative experiment, application of chi-square, contingency factor (C), percentage data analysis. The education of interpretation can yield positive results that help in improvement of critical thinking of the students. By interpreting more often students improve their skills and perceive the characteristics, ideas, and meanings behind works of art more clearly. Positive changes in critical thinking indicate that information finding skills, the search for links, segregation of similarities and differences, their analysis form a firm understanding of complex and multilayered features and meanings of works of art. [From the publication]

1392-0340; 2029-0551
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