Sintaksiniai sudėtinių jūreivystės terminų modeliai

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Sintaksiniai sudėtinių jūreivystės terminų modeliai
Alternative Title:
Syntactic patterns of compound maritime terms
In the Journal:
Res humanitariae. 2011, t. 10, p. 234-255
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnis yra skirtas mažai tirtai terminijos sričiai – jūreivystės terminams. Jame analizuojami sudėtiniai jūreivystės terminai. Tokiems terminams tirti yra pasirinktas gramatinio modeliavimo būdas, nes sudėtinio termino apibūdinimui yra svarbūs sintaksiniai dėmenų ryšiai ir juos realizuojančios formos. Jo taisyklingumui aktualios ir kai kurios kitos gramatinės dėmenų savybės – įvardžiuotinės būdvardiškųjų žodžių galūnės, dalyvių rūšis. Straipsnyje pateikiami analizuojamų terminų modelių tipai pagal dėmenų sintaksinio ryšio pobūdį ir dėmenų skaičių. Modelių įvairovė dėmenų raiškos ir skaičiaus modelyje atžvilgiu parodo, kad jūreivystės terminija, ypač sudėtinių terminų dalis, dar nėra susiformavusi. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Frazeologija; Jūreivystės terminai; Modeliai; Sudėtiniai terminai; Sudėtinių terminų; Sudėtinių terminų modeliai; Žodžių daryba; Compound terms; Lithuanian; Maritime terms; Patterns of compound terms; Phraseology; Word formation.

ENThe article addresses a field of terms that was given little research, i.e. maritime terms. Compound maritime terms are analyzed in the article. The aim of the research is to identify patterns of compound terms, to group them according to their structure and grammatical features, to identify more significant specific peculiarities of compound maritime terms. Grammatical pattern method was chosen for the analysis of such terms, as syntactic relations of the elements and their realization forms are very important for the definition of a compound term. Some other grammatical features of the elements are also relevant for the accuracy of a term, e.g. pronominal endings of words, type of participle. The basics of division of patterns are presented in the article, and the types of patterns of terms under analysis are presented according to the type of syntactic relation and number of elements. The patterns are grouped on several bases. First of all, according to the number of elements they are grouped into binomial and polynomial patterns. The division between binomial and polynomial elements is based on the fact that bigger (more complex) than binomial patterns differ because of hierarchical relations of the elements, while binomial patterns are always the same in this regard: they consist of a head element and a dependent element. Polynomial patterns differ according to the hierarchy of dependent elements: one dependent element is joined to another, thus they only expand one another. […].The research revealed that a wide variety of expression and number of elements is characteristic of the patterns of maritime terms. The diversity of expression may depend on the fact that relations expressed by more semantic dative, instrumental, locative cases, prepositional constructions (due to the specific meaning of a preposition) are more particular. More specific meanings are more attractive in the terminology that has not been fully worked out, as they are more accurate and understandable; however, they are less generalizing. Genitive constructions are specific and more abstract, but they are more ambiguous, thus more dependent on the definition and explanation. A large number of elements used in the pattern shows that the terms is similar to a definition, description, especially if more complex patterns contain prepositional constructions or semantic cases. The variety of patterns in regard to expression and number of elements reveals that maritime terms have not been fully developed yet, especially compound terms. [From the publication]

1822-7708; 2538-922X
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