Reikšmė – sąvoka – konceptas ir prasmė

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Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Reikšmė – sąvoka – konceptas ir prasmė
Alternative Title:
Meaning – notion – concept and sense
In the Journal:
Res humanitariae. 2011, t. 10, p. 108-119
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje bandoma apibrėžti terminų reikšmė, sąvoka, konceptas ir prasmė turinį. Nesigilinant į šių terminų vartojimo istoriją ir jais įvardijamų reiškinių prigimtį glaustai išdėstomas autoriaus požiūris, kuris leidžia tiksliau skirti mentalinius reiškinius, sudarančius semantinių tyrinėjimų pagrindą. Esmingiausios atrodo reikšmės – koncepto ir reikšmės – prasmės opozicijos. Reikšme vadinamas kalbos vienetų turinys (nominacijos rezultatas), o prasme – pasakymų (predikacijos rezultatas). Konceptas suprantamas kaip polidimensinis sąmonės darinys, kurio visumos ar atskirų aspektų raiška kalboje yra pagrindinis semantikos objektas. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Konceptas; Prasmė; Reikšmė; Reikšmė-konstruktas; Sąvoka; Concept; Meaning; Meaning-construction; Notion; Sense.

ENThe words meaning, notion, concept describe a certain content of consciousness: image, perception, knowing. We think that these terms should name not different mental phenomena but different aspects of the same phenomenon or, to be more precise, different degrees of actualisation. So far the terms meaning and notion have received most attention of linguists as well as the term concept in the recent decades. There have been attempts to identify the relation between linguistic meaning and notion for over one hundred years. Opinions fluctuate ranging from identifying the content of these terms to their complete separation. It is understood that comprehension of this relation depends on how the very notion and meaning are understood. In our opinion, it is purposeful to define the notion as a logically arranged generalized result of world cognition in the consciousness. By notion we name the cognitive aspect of the world elements, whilst by meaning, the communicative aspect. In some areas the content of these aspects can coincide; for example, in the area of scientific terminology; in other areas, can coincide only partially. One or another way, the term of notion seems to be completely unnecessary in linguistics.The link that seems more important to semantics, particularly viewing from the standpoint of cognitive linguistics, is the one between the meaning and the concept. Although sometimes the concept is identified with the notion, most often it is understood in a broader way: as a heterogenic multidimentional unit of knowledge about the world and experience, which links various mental formations ranging form sensory images to logical structures. Thus, the concept is a broader mental formation than the meanings of language units that actualize only separate features or aspects of the concept: the meaning of the word or another language unit is the actualized part of the concept. The content of the sense differs from the above mentioned terms in principle (of course not everybody thinks so). The term of the sense would be suitable to name not the content of language units but of the content of utterances; i.e., the conveyed information about the situation of things in the world, and not naming of the very things. [From the publication]

1822-7708; 2538-922X
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