Informacinės visuomenės kontekstai formuojantis 5-7 metų vaikų tautinio tapatumo pradmenims

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Informacinės visuomenės kontekstai formuojantis 5-7 metų vaikų tautinio tapatumo pradmenims
Alternative Title:
Information society contexts in the process of forming national identity basics of 5-7 year-old children
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTBesikurianti informacinė visuomenė kelia naujų iššūkių šeimai, visuomenei, švietimui. Mažo vaiko ugdymas – tai nuolat besikeičiantis procesas, reaguojantis į informacinės visuomenės reiškinius, kurie veikia vaiko asmenybę, jo tautinį identitetą. Straipsnyje pateikiami tyrimo duomenys, kokį poveikį informacinė visuomenė daro 5-7 metų vaikų nuostatų ir tautinio tapatumo formavimuisi, analizuojama vaikų elgsena informacijos erdvėje. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Informacinė visuomenė; Priešmokyklinis amžius; Tautinis identitetas; Information society; National identity; Pre - primary children; Pre-primary children; Pre-ptimary children.

ENThe emerging information society influences the formation of perception of children's national identity. Quality education of the child is a constantly evolving process, which responds to the phenomena emerging in the information society, which has effect on formation of the child's national identity. The objectives of the research: to identify the most attractive means of mass media and to reveal their effect on the formation of the child's national identity; to highlight information channels that are most influential to formation of the child's conception of national identity; to identify publications of interest to pre-primary children. The research methods: formalized questionnaire for children, observation of children in the process of their education, conversation with children applying the methodology of picture selection. The sample of the research included 300 children (5-7 year-old), attending preschool education institutions. The research results revealed that the bigger number of children would firstly address their parent or would consult books to find certain information and a smaller part of them would watch TV or switch on the computer, the majority of children build up conception of the nationality through advertisement (family, education institution). The research revealed that pre-primary children are mainly interested in comic books and publications on computer games. [From the publication]

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2018-11-09 20:14:54
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