Pilietinio identiteto ugdymas daugiakultūrėje mokyklos bendruomenėje: lyderystės diskursas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pilietinio identiteto ugdymas daugiakultūrėje mokyklos bendruomenėje: lyderystės diskursas
Alternative Title:
Civic identity in multicultural school community: leadership dicourse
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTRemiantis teorinėmis įžvalgomis bei autorių vadybinio darbo patirtimi daugiakultūrėje mokyklos bendruomenėje, aptariamas mokinių pilietinis tapatumas bei jį stiprinančios strategijos. Pirmojoje straipsnio dalyje aptariama šiuolaikinė identiteto samprata. Antrojoje dalyje analizuojama daugiakultūrės Vilniaus Kalvarijų pagrindinės mokyklos bendruomenės veikla, stiprinant pilietinį identitete. Trečiojoje dalyje atskleidžiamas mokyklos vadovo vaidmuo, ugdant jaunimo pilietinį identitetą. Gausios surinktos teorinės medžiagos bei išsamiai išanalizuotos Vilniaus Kalvarijų pagrindinės mokyklos veiklos pagrindu autorės formuluoja savo įžvalgas į mokyklos kultūros poveikį besiugdančiam jaunimo pilietiniam identitetui bei vadovo indėlį šiame procese. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Pilietinis tapatumas; Ugdymas; Įvairiatautė bendruomernė; Civic identity; Education; Multicultural community.

ENAuthors deal with the theoretical concept of indentities, disscusses the features of national and citizenship identities in the context of global social changes. Cultural context is seen as a major actor in developing identities of young people. Thus passive or even negative attitude towards national and civic values which sometimes are very strong can not be seen without analyzing the effects of globalization. On the other hand, globalization does change the the values, way of thinking and behaviour of young people who leave the country and start to look for a better quality of life. This situation is identified as a "time of loosing national identity" by many researchers (Roos, 2007; Čiubrinskas, 2008). The second part of the article is devoted to the analyses of civic activities in the multicultural community of Vilnius Kalvarijų basic school. Some concrete projects in which students had been involved are presented. The third part deals with the role of school leaders in creating and sustaining democratic school culture which supports the strategies in favour of educating civic identities of young people.Some models of leadership are suggested for fulfillment of this role of school leaders. They may be applied to a leader's activities in realization of the aims: in creating systems for practical usage of civic knowledge and skills for creation of different programs offering students classes and extracurricular activities to get involved in civic education activities; for organizing teachers' meetings in order to put documents on education to practice; arrange general seminars both for teachers and students to achieve better result in civic education; create system of evaluation of students; use projects, team work, delegate different tasks for different actors. [From the publication]

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2018-09-26 15:54:26
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