Radikalių inovacijų diegimo organizacijose teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Radikalių inovacijų diegimo organizacijose teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai
Alternative Title:
Theoretical and practical aspects of radical innovations in organizations
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2001, Nr. 20, p. 41-55
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTPastarąjį šimtmetį pasaulyje vyravęs neginčytinas tikėjimas, jog progresas yra neišvengiamas ir niekuomet nesibaigiantis nuolatinio tobulėjimo procesas, pastaruoju metu nebėra toks vyraujantis. Šiandienos revoliucijos amžiuje galimybės pasirodo ir išnyksta labai greitai.Dabar versle svarbiausia tampa kova tarp sparčiai augančių naujų organizacijų ir savo šakos tradicinių galingųjų, tarp organizacijų revoliucionierių ir įsisenėjusių, nepaslankių bei tradiciškai privilegijuotųjų verslo atstovų. Naujajame versle atotrūkis tarp to, kas gali būti įsivaizduota, ir to, kas gali būti pasiekta, yra kaip niekada anksčiau mažas. Nuo šiol individai ir organizacijos, negalintys išsivaduoti iš praeities traukos, liks atriboti nuo ateities. Pasaulis vis labiau darosi padalintas į dviejų tipų organizacijas: tokias, kurios nebegali pasiekti daugiau nei nuolatinis lėtas veiklos tobulinimas, ir tas, kurios sugeba peršokti į nelinijinės logikos inovacijų diegimą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Inovacijų diegimas; Progresas; Nelinijinės logikos inovacijos; Innovation; Progress; Nonlinear innovation.

ENThe age of progress is over. It was born in Renaissance, achieved its exuberant adolescence during the Enlightenment, reached a robust maturity in the industrial age, and died with the dawn of the twenty first century. For countless millennia there was no progress, only cycles. There was no future, for the future was indistinguishable from the past. Throughout the last century progress was not simply honored, it was worshiped. Yet progress is not quite so alluring as it once was. There is a gnawing sense that while humankind continues to improve its means, it docs not always improve its purposes. The age of progress began in hope - it is ending in anxiety. And the late twcntictliccntury version of progress has made people cynical. We now stand on the threshold of a new age - the age of revolution. In the twenty first century, the change has changed. No longer is it additive. No longer docs it move in a straight line. It became discontinuous, abrupt, and seditious. In this new age, a company thai is evolving slowly is already on its way to extinction. In today's age of revolution, opportunities come and go at light speed - blink and you've missed a billion-dollar bonanza. Today the advantages of incumbency arc not working any more. It's the insurgents versus the incumbents, the revolutionaries versus the landed gentry and traditional oligarchy. This is the old guard versus the vanguard - the power of incumbency versus the power of imagination. Rebellious newcomers' success is a testament to the vulnerability of incumbents.The business has not so much reached the end of history, as it has developed the capacity to interrupt history- to escape the linear extrapolation of how it was conducted before. Today change is limited only by the imagination. The gap between what can be imagined and what can be accomplished has never been smaller. To fully realize the promise of the new age, today the organizations must also learn to dream. In the age of revolution it is not knowledge that will produce the new wealth, but insight - insight into opportunities for dis-continuous innovation. In a nonlinear world, only nonlinear ideas will create new wealth. Radical innovation is the only way to escape the ruthless hyper competition that has been hammering down margins in industry after industry. The new innovation regime is a gazelle leaping again and again above the tall grass of precedent. Here the privileges of the industrial oligarchy, the prerogatives of brain-dead senior vice-presidents, the worshipful observance of corporate convention - all these will be swept away. Never before has opportunity been so democratic in business. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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