Bendrininkų rūšys ir jų atribojimo problemos teismų praktikoje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Bendrininkų rūšys ir jų atribojimo problemos teismų praktikoje
Alternative Title:
Accessories and problems of their distinction in practice
In the Journal:
Socialinių mokslų studijos [Societal Studies]. 2012, Nr. 4 (2), p. 645-662
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje analizuojamos bendrininkų rūšių, numatytų galiojančio Lietuvos Respublikos baudžiamojo kodekso 24 straipsnio 3-6 dalyse, nustatymo ir atskyrimo baudžiamosios teisės teorijoje ir praktikoje problemos. Dėmesys skiriamas vykdytojo ir padėjėjo bei kurstytojo ir organizatoriaus atribojimo problemiškumui. Taip pat atkreipiamas dėmesys į skirtingus ir ne visada pagrįstus minėtų bendrininkų rūšių nustatymo bei atribojimo motyvus teismų praktikoje. Apibendrinęs atliktą baudžiamosios teisės teorinės literatūros bei teismų praktikos analizę, autorius siūlo kriterijus, padėsiančius aiškiau nustatyti bei motyvuotai atskirti bendrininkus. Norint atriboti vykdytoją nuo padėjėjo, naudotini ne tik bendro susitarimo, buvimo įvykio vietoje, bet ir veikos valdymo, kai bendrininkas pagal savo valią gali pakreipti nusikalstamos veikos vykdymo eigą, leisti, kad veikos sudėtis būtų realizuota ar sustabdyti jos įvykdymą, bei animus auctoris (bendrininkas veikos nori kaip savo paties, veiką traktuoja kaip savo veiksmų tiesioginį rezultatą) kriterijai. Organizatorius nuo kurstytojo taip pat atribotinas ne tik pagal objektyvių nusikalstamų veiksmų atlikimą (organizatoriaus veikla bendrame nusikalstamos veikos mechanizme yra įvairesnė, aktyvesnė ir reikšmingesnė), bet ir tyčios kryptingumą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Baudžiamoji atsakomybė; Bendrininkai; Bendrininkavimas; Bendrininkų rūšys; Accessories; Complicity; Criminal responsibility.

ENArticle deals with all kinds of accessories, which are provided in the Lithuanian Criminal Code's Article 24 from Part 3 to Part 6. These accomplices are: principal offender, organizer, abettor and aider. The author not only describes them, but also emphasizes the distinguishing problems both in Criminal Law theory and in Lithuanian court practice. The main consideration is given to distinguishing the principal offender from the aider and the organizer from the abettor. The author also highlights the difficulties that tend to appear in court practice in which distinguishing accessories mentioned above sometimes are highly problematic. After Criminal Law theory and court practice analysis, the author arrives at more identifiable standards and criteria in distinguishing the principal offender from the aider and the organizer from the abettor. In the first part of the article the author engages in problems that emerge when identifying principal offenders. Firstly, the author points out that an accessory without special principal's features, which are provided in particular criminal acts, can never be the principal offender, although he or she directly caused the actus reus of the offence. Then author criticizes court practice when accessories that have not caused any actus reus of the offence are determined as perpetrators just because of their common agreement and common fault with other principals. The second part is dedicated to the problems of determining an aider, a perpetrator or the principal.The author notes that the main problem in determining the accessory as an aider or a perpetrator is the concept of "necessary help" which was dictated by Criminal Law theory and was adopted in practice. This concept determined principals. However, the concept perforce relates to the aider who also helps the principal. After Criminal Law theory and court practice analysis, the author suggests that more identifiable distinction criteria between the aider and the principal should be the accessory's control over the offence, his/her intention and desire to own the offence and the substantial contribution to the offence. Meanwhile, the aider's actions do and are merely to support the acts of others. Finally, the last part highlights that Lithuanian Criminal Case practice does not always determine the abettor from the organizer and vice versa. The author concludes that the organizer should be determined as a connecting-link between the principal's actions and committing the offence or criminal consequences. Meantime, the abettor just encourages the principal to commit an offence, presents the idea of the offence. Contrary to the organizer, the abettor does not produce a plan of an offence, does not range perpetrators, does not unite their endeavour for common criminal goals, nor makes preparations before the crime. [text from author]

2029-2236; 2029-2244
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