Tautinių bruožų įtaka vadybos kultūrai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Tautinių bruožų įtaka vadybos kultūrai
Alternative Title:
National features in the context of management problems
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2000, Nr. 16, p. 131-143
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apžvelgti nacionaliniai bruožai, kurie tiesiogiai įtakoja vadybinius procesus, vykstančius Lietuvos verslo organizacijose. Aiškinamasi, kokios priežastys įtakojo ir dabar formuoja tam tikrus tautinius bruožus. Akcentuojama, kad neadaptuotų, nors ir pažangiausių JAV, Japonijos ar Vakarų Europos vadybinių teorijų taikymas, yra nepriimtinas, o gal net ir žalingas Lietuvos verslo organizacijoms. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Tautiniai bruožai; Vadybos kultūra; Valdymo metodai; National features; Management culture; Management methods.

ENThe authors of the article analyses the features of national Lithuanian character and the importance of disclosing and perception of such features to the Lithuanian management science. The review of the data of investigations of different authors we may summarize that specific features of both the West and East nations are characteristic features of Lithuanians. This influence of the East and the West is a permanent influence. Thus the character of Lithuanians formed is quite original. To understand the national character better we must clear up the history of the Lithuanian nation, its customs, religion propagated, the influence of the landscape and the culture formed. After generalizing the material collected by the authors we may distinquish positive features of Lithuanians: diligence, tidiness, independence, responsibility, cold-bloodedness, ability, sincerity, hospitality, endurance, love to their mother- land, obstinacy, idealism, lyricism, modesty, restraint, melancholy. The negative features of Lithuanians are as follows: exaggerate worship of strangers, stiffness, clumsiness, dishonesty, slowness, materialism, passiveness, individualism, stubbornness, envy, conservatism, reticence, obedience, distruct in other people, a syndrome of a weaker person, the lack of flight. Thus in aiming for the growth of economics in Lithuania, before applying the progressive management experience of the USA and other countrie, the Lithuanian national character must be investigated and only then to adapt such theories in the country. Geographic situation and the landscape of Lithuania also influence specific Lithuanian national features a part of which are characteristic to westerners and the other partto the easterners. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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