Darbo ir šeimos sąveikos ryšys su pasitenkinimu darbu

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darbo ir šeimos sąveikos ryšys su pasitenkinimu darbu
Alternative Title:
Relationship between work-family interaction and job satisfaction
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2011, Nr. 60, p. 13-28
Summary / Abstract:

LTDabartinėje visuomenėje, kuomet ir vyrai, ir moterys intensyviai įsitraukia į karjeros vystymą, gebėjimas suderinti įsipareigojimus darbui ir šeimai tapo bene svarbiausiu uždaviniu. Straipsnyje siekiama išnagrinėti sąsajas tarp pasitenkinimo darbu bei darbo ir šeimos vaidmenų sąveikos ypatumų, bei atsižvelgti į socialinio palaikymo vaidmenį šiose sąsajose. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo ir šeimos sąveika; Pasitenkinimas darbu; Socialinis palaikymas; Work and family interaction; Job satisfaction; Social support.

ENNowadays when women not only take care of the house, but also actively participate in career development the ability to reconcile work and family commitments has become perhaps the most difficult task. Purpose. The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between job satisfaction and work and family interactions (both types and directions), the impact of social support upon the relationship is also taken into account. Methods. The study included 154 subjects: 100 women and 54 men, living in Kaunas city (Lithuania) and working in a service sector. All of the respondents are married or living with a partner. Workfamily interaction is assessed using the work-family interaction scale (SWING, Geurts et al, 2005). Job satisfaction was assessed according by E. Spector’s (1994) Job Satisfaction Survey. The perceived social support is assessed by the Social Support Behaviors (SS-B) Scale (Vaux, Riedel, Steward, 1987). Results and conclusions. The study found that higher overall job satisfaction was associated with a reduced work-family conflict and increased positive work-family interaction. The results also showed that the greater satisfaction of supervision, contingent rewards, coworkers, nature of work and communication was associated with lower negative work-family interaction. Increased positive workfamily interaction is associated with satisfaction of pay, promotion, supervision, contingent rewards and the nature of work. Meanwhile, negative family- work interaction negatively correlated with satisfaction with the nature of work and communication while positive work-family interaction positively correlated with satisfaction with contingent rewards and the nature of work. Overall job satisfaction is revealed by reduced negative work-family interaction and increased positive work-family interaction. Research in this area should be expanded.Comparing the groups of men and women, there were more statistically significant links in the women’s group. The analysis also revealed that both types of work-family interaction more often correlate with job satisfaction and its individual aspects. It was also found that reduced negative work-family interaction and increased negative family-work interaction predicted increased overall job satisfaction in the group of women. There was a statistically insignificant multiple regression model in the group of men. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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