LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Atribucija; Feliksas Vereika; Kalbinė orientacija; Kalbos istorija; Kalbos ypatybės; Maldų knygelės; Motiejus Valančius; Religiniai tekstai; Religinė literatūra; Tarmės ypatybių pastebimumas; Attribution; Book of prayers; Feliksas Vereika; History of Language; Language properties; Linguistic orientation; Motiejus Valančius; Noticeability of Dialect Features; Religion texts; Religious literature.
ENThis article analyzes the language of two books NOWENAS pri JEZAUS KRISTAUS, szwencziausies MARIJOS PANOS ir KITU SZWENTU and GRIESZNIKAS PRIWERSTAS METAWOTIES arba Kalba użkietejuse griesznika su WIESZPACZIU DIEWU. The author of the first prayer book is unknown. The second book was translated and prepared by Feliksas Vereika. The main goal of this article was to prove the hypothesis that Feliksas Vereika could be the person who prepared Nowl857. Analysis of the language showed that many of the linguistic features are used very similarly in both texts. Only the most noticeable Lowland Lithuanian features were changed into the Highland Lithuanian in both texts. The least noticeable features were not changed in Nowl857, and only Highland Lithuanian forms of 1 cond. sg. were used in VeGrl853. There was only one occasionally noticeable feature changed from Lowland Lithuanian to Highland Lithuanian form in both texts. A comparison of the texts showed that there are certain individual linguistic features common to both texts, such as the dat. pl. of the pronoun tas – tiems, the use of the grapheme