Motiejaus Valančiaus taisymai Simono Daukanto "Maldos katalikų" rankraštyje

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Motiejaus Valančiaus taisymai Simono Daukanto "Maldos katalikų" rankraštyje
Alternative Title:
Motiejus Valančius' corrections in Simonas Daukantas' manuscript "Maldos katalikų"
In the Journal:
Archivum Lithuanicum. 2000, t. 2, p. 125-138
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Atribucija; Cenzūra; Cenzūravimas; Interpoliacijos; Kupiūros; Motiejus Valančius; Rankraštis, Redakciniai taisymai; Religiniai raštai; Simonas Daukantas; Attribution; Censorship; Censure; Editorial corrections; Expurgations; Interpoliations; Manuscript; Motiejus Valančius; Religiuos Writings; Simonas Daukantas.

ENThis article is an attempt to date the corrections made by Motiejus Valančius in Simonas Daukantas' manuscript Maldos katalikų written in 1842. Up to now it was thought that these corrections were made by Valančius in 1842. Judging by the specific regulations for censorship of religious writings in 19th century Lithuania, and from the appearance of the manuscript (identification of somebody else's insertions and corrections, their peculiarities and chronology, peculiarities of pagination, character of the paper on which Valančius' text was written, peculiarities of paste-ins and their link to the characteristics of religious and secular censorship) I conclude that the corrections in Daukantas' manuscript were made by Valančius probably in 1847 when the manuscript was submitted for censorship. The corrections were made with the permission of religious censorship and had the character of unofficial recommendations. [text from author]

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