Pokyčių samprata ir jų valdymo suvokimas

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Pokyčių samprata ir jų valdymo suvokimas
Alternative Title:
Understanding change and mananegement of change
In the Journal:
Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai [Management of Organizations: Systematic Research]. 2005, Nr. 33, p. 99-109
Subject Category:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje aiškinama pokyčių svarba tiek organizacijos, tiek išorės aplinkoje. Pateikiamos trumpos sąvokos, kas tai yra pokytis ir kaip jį interpretuoja skirtingi autoriai. Straipsnyje yra pateikiami trumpi pokyčių valdymo apibrėžimai. Straipsnyje analizuojami šiuo metu Lietuvoje vykstantys pokyčiai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Greitis; Pokytis; Pokyčių valdymas; Organizacija; Sistema; Speed; Change; Change management; Organization; System.

ENRapid change is a pervasive part of our lives as human beings. Therefore, it is no surprise that change is also a fact of life within human systems. Recent developments in the global economy have catapulted this fact to the forefront of management concerns as well. Catalyzed by technological breakthroughs in distribution, information, and communication systems, we are moving rapidly towards a world in which the geopolitical boundaries that have been the hallmarks of our history are fading. Contemporary organizations are immersed in a virtual cyclone of change as they strive to adapt to the ever increasing demands of their domestic and global markets. Organizational learning, process re-engineering and total quality management are several particularly popular movements that have been incorporated into organizations in their efforts to respond to demands placed on them by their external environments. All these "trends" in management consulting represent attempts to generate systematic responses to the pervasive need for change imposed by an increasingly competitive and complex marketplace. Unfortunately, many such change initiatives, even those undertaken by organizations with the best of intentions, are often destined for failure at some point in their implementation. Failures can be traced in hindsight to a number of factors, including inappropriately conceived failure status, resistance by organizational members, faulty implementation strategics during transition periods, or simply a lack of knowledge regarding important aspects of change management on the part of managers and executives. There are a number of theoretical perspectives from which managers and consultants currently draw their knowledge about the process of change in organizations.The literature about change is focusing on three important process-oriented perspectives, which exemplify significantly different conceptualizations of how change affects organizations: change is typified by certain patterns that affect organizations similarly. K. Lewin presents a fundamental description of change that has been incorporated into many organizational consultants and managers' emergent models of organizations in their attempts to understand and direct the process of systematic change. E. Schein provides an example of a contemporary approach to organizational change that develops from K. Lewin's three-stage process. Organizations are challenged to maintain their entities and identities throughout a transition. R. Beckhard and R. T. Harris focus on the importance of the transition state through which the organization must navigate in order to evolve from the its "present slate" to its "desired future state". Duck expands on R. Beckhard and R. T. Harris's approach, highlighting the dynamic nature of change and the importance of an effective transition management team composed of people who report directly to directors and can commit all their time and effort to managing the change process. Change affects individuals within an organization more fundamentally than it does the organization as a whole. The third set of approaches to change concerns the experiences of individuals in the change process. Jick and Bridges focus on the psychological adjustment that individual members of an organization must make during change. In thinking about what is meant by "change management", at least three basic definitions come to mind: the task of managing change; an area of professional practice; a body of knowledge.Lithuanian practice may serve as a very good example of changes and their management. A lot of changes have emerged in Lithuania after the 1st May, when Lithuania became a member of the European Union. Now organizations should use diagnostic data to capitalize on their strengths in already changed business, economical, political environment. If managers throughout an organization tend to share their beliefs about particular dimensions of change management, then policies that will be built on these shared, functional beliefs can be used as "selling points" for a more thorough and integrated change program. [From the publication]

1392-1142; 2335-8750
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