Darbo rinkos plėtros galimybės kaimo vietovėse

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Darbo rinkos plėtros galimybės kaimo vietovėse
Alternative Title:
Possibilities for labour market development in rural areas
In the Journal:
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apibūdinami darbo rinkos ypatumai ir jos skatinimo priemonės kaimo vietovėse. Siekiant atskleisti Šiaulių rajono kaimuose gyvenančių žmonių požiūrį į vietinės darbo rinkos pobūdį ir plėtros galimybes, buvo atlikta anketinė apklausa, kurioje dalyvavo 271 respondentas. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad reikšmingiausios nedarbą mažinančios priemonės yra skirtos darbo rinkos dalyvių profesiniam mokymui, įgūdžių įgijimui ir verslo skatinimui, nes nauja patirtis ar suteikta reikalinga profesija padeda bedarbiams ne tik išlikti konkurencingiems darbo rinkoje, bet ir susirasti darbą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Darbo rinkos; Darbo rinkos plėtra; Nedarbas; Plėtra; Užimtumas; Development; Employment; Labor market; Labour market development; Unemployment.

ENThe article deals with the possibilities for labour market development in rural areas. […] The researched problem is described by the question: which means can increase employment and development of the labour market in rural areas? […] In order to analyze the labor market development opportunities in Siauliai district rural areas a quantitative study was carried out. Data analysis was performed by using a questionnaire method. The study included 271 respondents. Analysis of the survey participants, their income and livelihoods revealed that many of the Šiauliai district labor market participants are employees. 36 % of all respondents among Siauliai district residents of rural areas get income from wages; it can be assumed that in Siauliai district in rural areas there are not many entrepreneurial people who build their own business. Respondents’ average income was generated in analysis, which showed that the in rural areas of Siauliai district there is on average a third of the labor market and wages are lower than the average gross wage. This indicates that labor force is relatively chea p in rural areas of Siauliai district. The study shows that of all the unemployed people surveyed, 9% are unemployed for less than 6 months. This shows that the number of corporate bankruptcies is decreasing, but businesses are slower, which reduces the number of jobs. But two very acute labor market problems remain: long-term unemployed people and shadow labor market, which increases unemployment and decreases tax revenues to the budget. An analysis of the respondents’ answers shows that the majority of the respondents in rural areas of Siauliai district are unskilled workers (30 %).Analysis of the position in the work and work experience shows that longer experience in the labor market secures precedence. However, it is noted that one-fifth of the survey respondents who have experience of more than 20 years are in unskilled jobs. This affects labor market characteristics in rural areas, because many agricultural jobs do not require skilled labor, only the necessary skills to do the job. The results showed that 39 % of all the respondents work in the service sector. This shows that not only in cities, but also in rural areas the number of workers employed in the service sector increases. It is natural in rural labor market structure: 25 % of respondents are employed in agricultural sector that includes fisheries and forestry. The area of construction provides jobs to 15 % of the respondents. Analysis of the responses to the survey questions shows that the main causes of unemployment in rural areas are unfavorable economic situation, lack of investment which flows into rural areas, personal characteristics, and lack of education. The study showed that the most significant measures to reduce unemployment lie in the labour market’s partners and their professional training, skills development and entrepreneurship promotion, because acquired experience helps the unemployed people to remain competitive on the labour market and in job search. Respondent’s disfavour is appreciable in the programme of public works, which, in their opinion, conduce to reduction of unemployment the least. The results show that labor market in rural areas is mainly in development stage and in the future labor market in rural areas should grow. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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2018-12-17 13:11:47
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