Leksykalne wykładniki hipotetyczności w litewskiej gwarze Puńskiej z odniesieniami do języków polskiego i litewskiego

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Leksykalne wykładniki hipotetyczności w litewskiej gwarze Puńskiej z odniesieniami do języków polskiego i litewskiego
Alternative Title:
Lexical indicators of the hypothetical modality in the Lithuanian local dialect of Puńsk with references to Polish and Lithuanian
In the Journal:
Acta Baltico-Slavica. 2011, Nr. 35, p. 159-170
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Hipotetinis modalumas; Lenkų ir lietuvių kalbos; Lyginamasis metodas; Metodas; Modalumas; Punsko lietuvių dialektas; Punsko lietuvių šnekta Lenkijoje; Punsko lietuvių šnektos tekstynas; Contrastive studies; Corpus of local dialect of Punsk; Hypothetical modality; Local dialect of Punsk Lithuanians; Local dialect of Punsk in Poland; Modality; Polish andLithuanian languages.

ENThe dissertation discusses the problem of lexical indicators of the hypothetical modality in the Lithuanian local dialect of Puńsk. The Lithuanian local dialect of Puńsk is used by the Lithuanians living in the north-east regions of Poland. In these very regions there run important ethnic borders between Slavs and Baits, and between the Eastern and the Western groups of Slavs. The author has applied the method of theoretical contrastive studies to characterize the local dialect of Puńsk. To begin with, the author forms the definition of the hypothetical modality along with its paraphrase. She analyzes the gradation of the hypothetical modality phenomenon. Therefore, she has distinguished 6 groups, each of which is characterized by a different degree of probability. Furthermore, she gives examples of all possible indicators of the hypothetical modality in the local dialect: lexical, morphological and syntactic, where lexical indicators are more precisely described. She has distinguished the differences and resemblances between the local dialect and the literary languages of Lithuanian and Polish. In the research area, she applies the experimental corpus of the local dialect of Puńsk. [text from author]

0065-1044; 2392-2389
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