Zapożyczenia litewskie dotyczące charakteru i zachowań człowieka (na materiale gwar polskich na Litwie)

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lenkų kalba / Polish
Zapożyczenia litewskie dotyczące charakteru i zachowań człowieka (na materiale gwar polskich na Litwie)
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian loanwords describing human character and behaviour (based on the material of Polish dialects in Lithuania)
In the Journal:
Acta Baltico-Slavica. 2010, Nr. 34, p. 9-22
Summary / Abstract:

LTReikšminiai žodžiai: Leksika; Lenkiškos tarmės Lietuvoje; Lenkų dialektai Lietuvoje; Lituanizmai; Skoliniai; Borrowings; Lexis; Lithuanisms; Polish dialects in Lithuania; Polish dialekts in Lithuania.

ENThe aim of the present article is to describe the vocabulary of Lithuanian origin that correlates with an individual's psychology. The major attention in the article is given to the function of this lexical group in the present-day Polish dialects, as well as to the changes, which took place in the semantic structure of the borrowings in comparison to the original expressions. In this connection, the area of the usage of corresponding lexemes in Lithuanian dialects has been established, their semantic structure analysed, and stylistic marking regarded. Most of the analyzed material has been chosen from my personal collection of Lithuanisms, and it contains vocabulary used in various dialect regions of Lithuania. The Lithuanisms discussed in the article correlate to such individual's qualities as loquacity, proneness to complain, moan, wail, frivolity, slowness, negligence, slyness and foolishness. [text from author]

0065-1044; 2392-2389
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