Žemės ūkio ministerijos nuostatų struktūros tyrimo rezultatai

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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Žemės ūkio ministerijos nuostatų struktūros tyrimo rezultatai
Alternative Title:
Results of research on structure of regulations of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania
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Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje apibendrintas Lietuvos Respublikos Žemės ūkio ministerijos (LR ŽŪM) nuostatų struktūros ir turinio retrospektyvinis tyrimas. Tyrimo tikslas buvo apibendrinti LR ŽŪM nuostatų struktūros ir turinio pokyčių tendencijas praeityje ir pateikti siūlymus dėl šios organizacijos nuostatų struktūros ir turinio tobulinimo. Tyrimo metu, naudojant indukcijos ir dedukcijos metodus, atlikta penkių nuostatų redakcijų, priimtų 1990-2011 m. laikotarpiu, loginė analizė ir sintezė. Nustatyta, kad šiuo laikotarpiu LR ŽŪM nuostatos buvo keičiamos gan dažnai. Tai buvo susiję su valstybės politinės ir ekonominės raidos tendencijomis. Straipsnio pabaigoje siūloma ir pagrindžiama pavyzdinė LR ŽŪM nuostatų struktūra, kuri buvo parengta remiantis įvairių organizacijų nuostatų struktūrų analize, išrenkant esminius ir reikalingiausius elementus, tinkamus viešojo sektoriaus institucijoms. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lietuvos Žemės ūkio ministerija; Mišrus vertinimas; Nuoststai; Teisinis reglamentavimas; Teisinis reguliavimas; Viešasis administravimas; Viešasis administravimas Žemės ūkio ministerija; Žemės ųkio ministerija; Legal administrtion; Legal regulation; Ministry of Agriculture of Lithuania; Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania; Ministry of agriculture of the respuble of Lithuania; Public administration; Reguliation.

ENThis article generalises the retrospective research on regulations structure and content of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania (hereafter referred to as MARL). The research has been carried out by examining the new versions of regulations adopted by MARL after 11 March 1990. By employing the methods of induction and deduction, the logical analysis and synthesis of five new versions of MARL regulations during the period of 1990-2011 were made. The analysis revealed that during this period there had been frequent emendation of MARL regulations, related to political and economic development tendencies. At the end of this article, there are some suggestions for representative MARL regulations structure, which have been formulated taking into account regulations structures by various organisations and fundamental and the most necessary elements needed for organisations of public sector. The aim of the research is to generalise the tendencies of MARL regulations emendation and to make suggestions regarding representative MARL regulations structures and improvement of the content. The objectives of the research are: to generalise the aims of regulations formation by different organisations; to perform the comparative analysis of MARL regulations of different periods; to make suggestions for the improvement of MARL regulations. Theoretical background shows that neither in scientific literature nor in practice there are united and elaborated representative regulations that would have a definite, understandable and reasonable structure for majority of organisations and, in particular, public institutions (public sector institutions). This sets a theoretical and practical task to make suggestions on representative regulations structure and its content in an organisation.The content and structural parts of five regulations by MARL during different periods of time have been analysed. In order to compare the regulations structures of this institution, the comparative analysis and synthesis of the regulations content by MARL during different periods of time have been done. The results have shown that regulations by MARL during the investigated period of time were static and did not change. The structure of regulations by MARL was as follows: objectives, functions, privileges and duties, and organisation of work. In all versions of regulations, except the last ones, the aim or aims were not specified. Conclusions and suggestions. Regulations is a "constitutional" institutional act that specifies the activity and conditions, inside structure, distribution of competence. An organisation without its own regulations is a chaotic social formation. Regulations show a clear direction: what the organisation aims at now and what or how it will aim at in the future. All-embracing (representative) regulations structure of any organisation should name: aim, goals, functions, type of activity, structure, rights, responsibilities, accountability, control, amendment of regulations. Regulations of MARL in force should be improved taking into concern: the structure of regulations, the aim of activity declared, the formations of functions, the inside structure of an organisation, control system, supplementing and amendment of regulations. The analysis has revealed that the text of MARL regulations is unstructured. There is no clarity and hence the suggestion to structure the text of regulations with reference to repeated verbs. [From the publication]

1648-9098; 2424-337X
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