Investment environment of Lithuanian resorts : researching national and local factors in the Palanga case

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Anglų kalba / English
Investment environment of Lithuanian resorts: researching national and local factors in the Palanga case
Alternative Title:
Lietuvos kurortų investicijų aplinka: Palangos kurorto nacionalinių ir lokalių veiksnių tyrimas
In the Journal:
Transformations in business & economics. 2008, vol. 7, no. 2 (14), p. 67-83
Summary / Abstract:

LTStraipsnyje nagrinėjama problema susijusi su investicijoms patrauklios aplinkos sukūrimu, sumažinant įvairius neigiamus veiksnius ar jų įtaką verslo aplinkai. Nors Lietuva turi tokį išskirtinį regioną, kaip Palangos kurortas, tačiau negali jo priskirti prie regionų, kurie pasižymi didesniais investicijų srautais. Sprendžiant iš materialinių ir tiesioginių užsienio investicijų srautų, investicijų aplinka Palangoje nepasižymi patrauklumu, investicijų aplinkos detalesni tyrimai nėra vykdyti. Tyrimo rezultatai reikšmingi liek teoriniu, tiek praktiniu požiūriu, pasižymi originalumu, kadangi Palangos kurorto investicijų aplinkos moksliniai tyrimai, Lietuvai įsijungus į ES ekonominę erdvę, nebuvo atlikti. Lietuvai atkūrus nepriklausomybę, po to įstojus Europos Sąjungą, žymiai pasikeitė pramogų ir poilsio verslo geografija, Lietuvos pajūrio verslas pajuto gana stiprią tarptautinę konkurenciją. Iš to, kad didesni investicijų srautai susikoncentravo Vilniuje, Klaipėdoje, galima daryti prielaidą, jog Lietuvos kurortas nėra pakankamai pasiruošęs sėkmingai konkuruoti tarptautinėje rinkoje. Tačiau, atlikti tyrimai padės atskleisti specifinę kurortų verslo aplinką, išsiaiškinti svarbiausius verslo plėtros trukdžius ir surasti kelius, kurie reikalingi investicijoms pritraukti ir sėkmingai plėtoti verslą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Investicijos; Lithuania.; Pajūrio kurortas; Pajūrio kurortas Palanga; Palanga; Plėtros ekonomika; Verslo aplinka; Business environment; Development economics; Investment policy; Lithuania; Palanga; Sea-resort; Sea-resort Palanga.

ENThe experience of economic and social development in many countries has clearly shown that the success of business development depends on investment flows and the effectiveness of their utilisation. This is the reason why there is an intensive international struggle for investments, when different ways and methods are employed in order to improve the investment environment and to increase its attractiveness. In order to achieve this objective, many countries form business- and investment-friendly tax policy as well as establish national and local structures in order to support business. After a more detailed analysis, one can claim that the investment environment is determined by factors on three different levels: national, local and resort level. However, it is difficult or even impossible to identify the most important factors, which effect the investors' decisions without scientific research in a given business environment. Scientific research enables to identify hindrances, which put obstacles on business-flows and to elaborate more effective instruments for improving business environment. The analysis of the influence of particular factors on the resort's investment environment, based on research-work accomplished in the Palanga-resort at the Baltic Sea is presented in this article. The most important factors on the local level are the following ones: the quality of local (municipal) institutions; local (municipal) policy and legal regulation; social environment; local competition; local market; public infrastructure sendees and physical infrastructure; geographical location and transport system.On the basis of the results of this research work, the recommendations for the improvement of the investment environment and the acceleration of the growth of investment flows have been given. The main suggestions have to do with higher publicity of the activities of local (municipal) authorities, lesser bureaucracy, and better support for the business and the solution of seasonality-relatedproblems. [From the publication]

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