Lietuvos jūrų muziejaus lankytojų rekreaciniai poreikiai 2002-2003 metais

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
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Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos jūrų muziejaus lankytojų rekreaciniai poreikiai 2002-2003 metais
Alternative Title:
Lithuanian Maritime Museum visitors recreational needs in 2002-2003
In the Journal:
Tiltai [Bridges] [Brücken]. 2004, Nr. 2 (27), p. 89-96
Muziejai / Museums; Prekės ir paslaugos / Goods and services; Turizmas / Tourism; Vartotojai / Consumers.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLietuvos jūrų muziejuje 2002-2003 m. pirmą kartą atlikti lankytojų poreikių tyrimai. Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti, ar teikiamos paslaugos atitinka lankytojų rekreacinius poreikius. Buvo apklausti 1004 pavieniai lankytojai ir 83 turistinių grupių vadovai iš Lietuvos bei užsienio šalių. Straipsnyje pateikiami Lietuvos jūrų muziejaus lankytojų poreikių tyrimo rezultatai, išvados ir pasiūlymai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Lankomumas; Muziejai; Paslaugos; Pramogos; Rekreacija; Sezoniškumas; Turizmas; Vartotojų poreikiai; Attendance; Consumer needs; Entertainment; Facilities; Museums; Recreation; Seasonality; Services; Tourism; Visitors needs.

ENIn 2002-2003 was done the research of The Lithuanian Maritime Museum visitors needs. The subject of the research - to find out the adequacy of the museum offered facilities to the visitors recreational needs. 1004 individual visitors and 83 tourist group guides from Lithuania and foreign countries were questioned. In this article are presented the results, conclusions and suggestions of The Lithuanian Maritime Museum visitors needs research. The research revealed the occupation structure of the museum visitors, showed up the new possibilities and outlooks to supply recreational needs. 90 percent visitors spent about four hours in The Lithuanian Maritime museum, more then a half of them spent their time in this museum only about 2 hours. The bigger part or the time is spent to watch spectacular shows of dolphins and sea - lions, i.e. to watch the most attractive exhibits of the museum. To make visitors to spent more time in the museum and seeking for the bigger visitor torrent, we can sustain as the perspective the following points: searching for the museum's exhibits attractiveness in their presentation; creating additional occupations and entertainments; the development of nourishment facilities and introduction of the authentic culinary heritage of Western Lithuania; the propagation of information about Maritime Museum activity using different measures of media and advertisement, also propagation of information in foreign languages.The main demand for souvenirs - authenticity, domination of original souvenirs, which would be associated with exhibits, occasions and image of The Lithuanian Maritime Museum. More inculcate the forms of hospitableness in the museum customer service. Very important are guides of The Lithuanian Maritime Museum, who dispense not only educational but and hospitableness function. Hospitableness and attentiveness for customers have direct influence and for new prospective tourists torment of The Lithuanian Maritime Museum. Tour guides are regular visitors - the experts, who organize an accompany tourists groups to The Lithuanian Maritime Museum. The biggest part of them are the experienced guides. The guided tours thoroughly depend on recommendations and activeness of tour guides. So it is necessary responsively react to guides demands, to motivate individual activeness and interest in flexible system of discounts and privileges. The main customers torrent to The Lithuanian Maritime Museum form regular visitors (over 55%). For the firs time comers (over 30%) crucial influence for their motivation to visit the museum have friends and near of kin. That is why the renewal of animals shows and the museum exhibitions, also creation of new entertainments and addition occupations for visitors are very important factor of the museum attendance and tourists attraction. The results of the visitors recreational needs research allows to make conclusion, that the concept "novelty" has the special consequence in facilities marketing of The Lithuanian Maritime Museum.That are new exhibitions, new animals show programmes, new attractions, new entertainments, new original souvenirs and the like. It means that novelty elements in The Lithuanian Maritime Museum activity should originate every year. The Lithuanian Maritime Museum is the object of national culture importance and here must be special attitude and support from the government. Only the salient financial investments would let to develop facilities, occupations and entertainments for the museum visitors, in that way would attract the bigger national and foreign tourists torrent. [From the publication]

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