Profesinio tobulinimosi kursų nauda andragogams ir jų organizacijoms. Grundtving programos kontekstas

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Profesinio tobulinimosi kursų nauda andragogams ir jų organizacijoms. Grundtving programos kontekstas
Alternative Title:
Benefits of in-service training courses for andragogues and their organisations. The context of Grundtvig programme
In the Journal:
Andragogika. 2011, Nr. 2, p. 164-185
Summary / Abstract:

LTNors suaugusiųjų švietimas pripažįstamas esmine ES mokymosi visą gyvenimą politikos sritimi, Grundtvig programos, orientuotos į suaugusiųjų švietimo sektoriaus tobulinimą, veiklų poveikis nėra įvertintas. Straipsnyje analizuojama Grundtvig programos profesinio tobulinimosi kursų teikiama mokymosi nauda besimokantiems andragogams ir jų organizacijoms. Pasitelkus elektroninę apklausą atliktas tarptautinis kiekybinis tyrimas, kurio duomenimis remiantis galima teigti, jog kursai andragogams yra naudingi kaupiant žmogiškąjį, identiteto ir socialinį kapitalą, o jų organizacijoms - tobulinant mokymo turinį, vadybos strategiją ir didinant bendradarbiavimą Europos lygmenyje. Toks kursų poveikis yra žingsnis ES strateginių tikslų švietimo ir profesinio mokymo srityje įgyvendinimo link: didinama suaugusiųjų švietimo sistemos kokybė ir veiksmingumas, atvirumas platesniam pasauliui ir socialinė sanglauda. Grundtvig profesinio tobulinimosi kursų teikiamos naudos įvertinimas leis tikslingiau planuoti tolesnius politinius instrumentus. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Andragogų profesinis tobulinimasis; Grundtvig programa; Mokymasis visą gyvenimą; Mokymosi nauda; Mokymosi nauda, andragogų profesinis tobulinimasis, Mokymasis visą gyvenimą, Grundtvig programa; Grundtvig programme; In-service training courses for andragogues; Lifelong learning policy; The benefits of learning; The professionalisation of adult educators.

ENAdult education is considered to be the core area of the EU lifelong learning policy. Grundtvig Programme, a sectoral part of the Lifelong Learning Programme is a European Commission instrument aimed at the development of adult education sector. However, the effect of its actions hasn't been thoroughly examined. The learning benefits of Grundtvig in-service training courses are analysed in this article measuring the perceived learning benefits at individual and organisation level by the course beneficiaries - adult educators. A cross-sectional online survey has been conducted in 31 countries of the EU. The results show that the courses make the identity, human and social capital of the adult educators grow by strengthening the identity, self confidence and social interactions, strongly developing the professional competence and consciousness, widening the social network and inspiring to take action in individual, national or international level, yet the reported socioeconomic advantages at individual level are low. The benefits are also smaller at the organizational level. The courses stimulate the development of curriculum, management strategies and international cooperation. These effects of Grundtvig in-service training courses are in line with European strategic framework of cooperation in the fields of education and training.The professionalisation of adult educators, the development of curriculum and management strategies of the organizations (e.g. implementing a Quality Assurance strategy, programmes for validating non-formal learning) improve the quality and effectiveness of the education and training systems. The intercultural awareness, openness and citizenship develope equity and social cohesion. The international cooperation at individual and organizational level make the EU education and training systems open to the wider world. The research gives better understanding of the effects of Grundtvig in-service training courses for adult education sector and gives grounds for further planning of programmes for implementing the European strategic framework of co-operation in the fields of education and training. [From the publication]

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