Lietuvos urbanistikos paveldas ir jo vertybės. T. 2, kn. 1, Rytų Lietuvos miestai ir miesteliai

Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Knyga / Book
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Lietuvos urbanistikos paveldas ir jo vertybės. T. 2, kn. 1, Rytų Lietuvos miestai ir miesteliai
Alternative Title:
  • Rytų Lietuvos miestai ir miesteliai
  • Urban Heritage of Lithuania and its properties. Vol. 2, book 1, Cities and towns of the Eastern Lithuania
  • Cities and towns of the Eastern Lithuania
Publication Data:
Vilnius : Savastis, 2002.
556 p
Bendrosios pastabos — Kultūros paminklai. Senieji Trakai — Valstybės reikšmės kultūros vertybės. Butrimonys (Alytaus r.), Daugai, Dieveniškės, Eišiškės, Kruonis, Onuškis, Semeliškės, Valkininkai — Savivaldybių reikšmės kultūros vertybės. Aukštadvaris, Bezdonys, Butrimonys (Vilniaus r.), Druskininkai, Dubičiai, Jieznas, Kazokiškės, Mickūnai, Nedingė, Perloja, Punia, Skaruliai, Stakliškės, Turgeliai, Žąsliai — Objektai su kultūros vertės požymiais (be statuso). Birštonas, Buivydžiai, Darsūniškis, Dusmenys, Jašiūnai, Kaišiadorys, Kalesninkai, Karmėlava, 40 totorių, Lentvaris, Marcinkonys, Medininkai, Nemajūnai, Nemunaitis, Paparčiai, Pivašiūnai, Ratnyčia, Rykantai, Rūdninkai, Rumšiškės, Šalčininkai, Šalčininkėliai, Šumskas, Varėna I (Senoji), Vievis.
Summary / Abstract:

LTLeidinyje pateikti Rytų Lietuvos urbanistikos paveldo (miestų ir miestelių) tyrinėjimų duomenys. Tyrimais buvo nustatyti išlikę vertingi objektų plano, apstatymo, tūrinės ir erdvinės kompozicijos elementai. Jų pagrindu regiono urbanistikos objektai (miestai ir miesteliai) skirstomi į: 1) kultūros paminklų grupę (1 objektas), 2) valstybinės reikšmės juridinį statusą turinčių kultūros vertybių grupę (8 ojektai), 3) savivaldybių reikšmės (15 objektų) ir 4) tik su kultūrinės vertės požymiais bet vertybių uridinio statuso neturinčių objektų grupę (24). Apibūdinti kriterijai, kuriais remiantis įvertinti į minėtas grupes patekę objektai.Reikšminiai žodžiai: Miestai; Istorija.; Architektūra.; Kultūra; Paveldas; Urbanistika; City; History; Culture.

ENValuable investigation material of cities and towns Jocated to the East of the Nemunas and to the South of the Neris, i.e. territories in the southern part conditionally attached to the Eastern Lithuania, is presented in the book. The book has been prepared following the principles and pattern of the first part of the publication "Urban Heritage of Lithuania and its Properties" named "Cities and Towns of Upnemunė". Objects investigated both for the first time - up to 1968 -and objects of the urban heritage already having legal status of a respective category or those which were proposed to be conferred it, are described in the book Senieji Trakai has been selected to be described from different objects assigned to the highest category - that of a cultural monument, from objects assigned to a lower category - that of cultural property of state significance - 8 objects. These are Butrimonys (Alytus region), Daugai, Dieveniškės, Eišiškės, Kruonis, Onuškis, Semeliškės and Valkininkai. In 1969 the status of urban heritage of local significance was conferred to these cities and towns observing the "Law on Protection of Historical and Cultural Monuments" of 1967. Alongside with the already mentioned objects of urban heritage, 15 more cities and towns have been described in the book which after investigating settlements of the Eastern Lithuania in 1996-1999 were recognized as such and observing the "Law on Protection of Immovable Cultural Properties" of 1994 were proposed to be conferred a lower category not established by the law of 1967 - the status of the cultural property of municipal significance. These are Aukštadvaris, Bezdonys, Butrimonys (Vilnius region), Druskininkai, Dubyčiai, Jieznas, Kazokiškės, Mickūnai, Nedinge, Perloja, Punia, Skaruliai, Turgeliai ir Žąsliai.External urban development of these objects having different value and the status corresponding to it is described not equally exhaustively in the book. Most detailed description is given to cities and towns having the status of cultural monuments and cultural properties of the state significance, less detailed - to objects proposed to be conferred the status of cultural property of municipal significance. Alongside with these 24 cities and towns to the development of which the greater part of the book is devoted, there is cartographic and iconographie material of persistent value of 25 more objects in the book (during investigations only some features of the cultural property were identified and legal status was not proposed to be conferred). The material can be useful not only for science, but for practice as well, when documents for long-term formation of these settlements could be prepared in accordance with a respective programme and regulations.The book consists of 5 parts (chapters). General description of the extent and character of the urban heritage of the southern part of the Eastern Lithuania in the context of the whole state is given in the first part ("General Remarks"), short description of the spread of the settlements investigated and features of their development, peculiarities of the form of their plan, material for revealing changes in their plan is given. Methods and results of the detection of urban heritage properties, their distribution into categories are given here. The second part is devoted to the description of Trakai cultural monument, the third part - to the description of cultural properties of state significance, the fourth - to the historical urban development of cultural properties of municipal significance. The fifth part presents cartographic and iconographie material of persistent value of objects of urban heritage with features of cultural property.

998642027X (bendras); 9986420458 (t. 2)
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