Mitinės dimensijos S.T. Kondroto romane "Žalčio žvilgsnis"

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Mokslo publikacijos / Scientific publications
Document Type:
Straipsnis / Article
Lietuvių kalba / Lithuanian
Mitinės dimensijos S.T. Kondroto romane "Žalčio žvilgsnis"
Alternative Title:
Mythical dimensions in S.T. Kondrotas's novel "The look of a grass-snake"
In the Journal:
Respectus philologicus. 2002, Nr. 2, p. 154-161
Saulius Tomas Kondrotas; Saulius Tomas Kondrotas; Mitologija / Mythology; Proza / Prose.
Summary / Abstract:

LTŠiame straipsnyje identifikuojama mitinių dėmenų sklaida S. T. Kondroto romane „Žalčio žvilgsnis", bent iš dalies atskleidžiama dviejųpasaulėvaizdžių - mitinio ir Naujųjų laikų žmogaus - specifika. Straipsnyje remiamasi mitologinės analizės metodu. Analizė redukuojama iki prasminiu „Žalčio žvilgsnio " mito centrų, t. y. išskleidžiamos kelios pamatinės archetipų ir simboliųschemos, kurios šį kūrinį daro maginiu ir įrašo į magiškojo realizmo paradigmą. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Archetipas; Lietuvių proza; Mitas; Romanas; Saulius Toma Kondrotas; Saulius Tomas Kondrotas; Archetype; Aulius Tomas Kondrotas, Novel, Myth; Lithuanian Prose; Myth; Saulius Tomas Kondrotas.

ENThis article is concerned with the identification of the spread of the mythical components in S. T. Kondrotas's novel "The Look of a Grass-Snake". The article relies on the method of mythological analysis. The analysis is revivified to notional mythical cores of "The Look of a Grass-Snake", that is, some underlying archetypal and symbolic schemes which make this novel magic and allow to assign it to the paradigm of magic realism are spread. In the novel two world-views, two main myths of primordial and springless, that is New Century, man are confronted. Myths of a pixie-witch arc underscored (it would be correct to say it like this because in the novel we meet two pixie-witches) – this is a new semantic tune which precisely reflects the mental changes of the 20th century and woman's conception in them. The ambivalent symbol of a grass-snake (ambivalent because in some cultural perspectives it doesn't keep its semantic continuity and with its meanings contradicts itself) in the novel can be generalized as a reduction of life itself. As behind it "hides" physical temptation, desire to know, discover, eternal life, eternal revenge, eternal Mother, eternal destroyer of life (evil spirit). In the novel the spirit of time is expanded by biblical or pagan notional definitions of a grass-snake, the tension of time grades those meanings, as at the end of the 20th century clear boundaries between good and bad, ultimately between honesty and lechery, have disappeared. S. T. Kondrotas, bringing up-to-date pagan and Christian myths in a modern way, looking for the answer in their deep notional structures, sometimes very successfully escapes from the layer of daily speech and even for a moment lifts the voice of subsistence itself. [From the publication]

1392-8295; 2335-2388
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