LTTyrimo objektu pasirinktos Lietuvos liaudies pamaldumo praktikos, siekiant atskleisti šio religinio fenomeno vietą Lietuvos katalikiškojo mokslo kontekste. Atliktas tyrimas patvirtino darbe iškeltą problemą, kad liaudies pamaldumo praktikas Lietuvos aukštosiose mokyklose turėtų tyrinėti Lietuvos Katalikų Bažnyčios istorijos, etnologijos, muzikologijos bei instrumentologijos mokslininkai. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Birželinės pamaldos; Gedulinės valandos; Gegužinės pamaldos; Graudūs verksmai; Kryžiaus kelias; Šermenys; Švč. M. Marijos kalbamasis ir giedamasis bei Švč. Jėzaus vardo rožiniai; Švč. M. Marijos valandos; Švč.M.Marijos kalbamasis ir giedamasis bei Švč. Jėzaus vardo rožiniai; Švč.M.Marijos valandos; Žemaičių Kalvarijos Kalnai; Bitter Cries; Funerals; June additional Service; May additional Service; Mourning hours; Mourning hours,funerals; The Cross Way; The Samogitian Calvary Mountains; The SamogitianCalvary Mountains; The hours of St. Virgin Mary; The spoken and sung rosaries of St. Virgin Mary and Jesus; The spoken and sung rosaries of St.Virgin Mary and Jesus.
ENThe Catholic liturgy consists of the Holy Mass and the ritual of Additional Service, or folk piety practice, which takes place not during the Holy Mass in public and which is said in Lithuanian (local language). According to the Lithuanian Catholic Church Liturgical Prayer Book: The hours of St. Virgin Mary, May additional Service, June additional Service, the spoken and sung rosaries of St. Virgin Mary and Jesus, the Samogitian Calvary Mountains, the Cross Way, Bitter Cries, Mourning hours and funerals are considered to be folk piety practices. The author of the article has chosen Lithuanian piety practices to be the object of the research with a purpose to disclose the place of this religious phenomenon in the context of the Lithuanian Catholic Science. The change of the historic periods causes the change of culture. This above-mentioned phenomenon of the Lithuanian Catholic Church culture changes, too. Some of the folk practices are buried in oblivion some stay firmly in the folk piety and some new ones are created. The research done confirmed the problem, which had been formed in the work. It stated that Lithuanian folk piety practices are waiting for the research to be done in the fields of the History of the Lithuanian Catholic Church, ethnology, musicology, and instrumentology and is the start for the new studies. [From the publication]