LTPer pastarąjį dešimtmetį pastebimai atgijo katalikybė įvairiose Lietuvos institucijose. Mokyklų programose atsiradusi tikybos pamoka (1991) "sukėlė ant kojų" mokinius, mokytojus, tėvus, kunigus, profesorius. Atsiliepiant į tikybos mokytojų stygių, KU Pedagogikos fakultete, kaip ir kitose aukštosiose mokyklose, pradėti rengti specialistai-katechetai bakalaurai ir magistrai. Šiame straipsnyje ir bus aptariami pirmieji religinio ugdymo sunkumai, inovacijos, perspektyvos pasaulietiniame Klaipėdos universitete. [Iš leidinio]Reikšminiai žodžiai: Katalikybė; Katalikybė, Klaipėdos universitetas; Katechetas; Religijos filosofija; Religijos mokymas; Ugdymo filosofija; Catechets; Catechists; Catholicism; Catolicism; Education philosophy; Klaidėdos university; Philosophy of religious; Religious studies; Religious teaching.
ENThe Catholic Church has always paid attention mostly at the upbringing of people with the help of all kind of organizations, seminaries, and departments of religious studies at universities. Even though the academic study or religions is established in public universities, the general public knows little about its methods. And faculty and administrators outside the field frequently misunderstand what it is about and how important it is to a liberal arts education. This is not surprising. After all, if people have studied religion at all, it has usually been done at Catholic theological schools or in conjunction with Bible study groups. It has usually been partisan, often indoctrinational, and hardly what most of us would think of as academic. My wish here was to shed some light on what the academic study of religion is by providing an overview of its subdisciplines and discussing the issue of its academic importance. The main purpose of this paper is to give a short historical sketch, witch a proporcionate analysis of catholic teachers training at the Pedagogical faculty of Klaipedas University. [From the publication]